Sunday, July 29, 2012

Evolution or Revolution?

This task is about advertising
Advertising or Advertizing is a form of communication used to encourage or persuade on audience (viewer readers or listeners, sometimes a specific group of people) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with employees and shareholders that a company is viable or successful.
Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via-various traditional medea such as blogs, websites or messages.

An advertisement primary purpose is to instantly attract the attention of viewers

After doing all this research, I had Converse on my mind, then I did some research for converse as well.

Converse is an American shoe company that has been making shoes, lifestyle fashion and athletic apparel since the early 20th century.

Charles H. "Chuck" Taylor
in 1921, a basketball player named Charles H. "Chuck" Taylor walked into converse complaining of sore feet, Converse gave him a job. He worked as a salesman and ambassador, promoting the shoes around the United States, and in 1923 his signature was added to the All Star Patch. He continued this work until shortly before his death in 1969.

And I found 2 ads which I want to improve.
The 1st Ad
Whereever you are, be all Converse
This ad is too simple to represent the message it gave us,-"WHEREVER YOU ARE, BE ALL CONVERSE"  2 pair of legs with converse on, a couple kissing probably. 
Now check out my work
I chose photography option to make it better, and the ad itself is more ironic, vibrant and clearer of the message it gave us. I made it into a series ad to represent "wherever you are, be all converse" And the shoes on the models' hands is more of an ironic, funny and interesting ad.

First photograph represents: Wherever you are, be all converse; though when a teenage young boy is about to get kicked by 2 girls (2 converse shoes)
Second photograph represents: Wherever you are, be all converse; though when you are talking on the phone. (Converse shoes are metaphorically the phones)
Third photograph represents: Wherever you are, be all converse; though when a super-hot girl is about to shoot you in the head. (Converse shoe is metaphorically a gun)

I found another ad online to improve
This ad gave us a message "A girl's best friend is converse"
This ad is too simple as well, just a girl with converse shoes posing there and smiling, doesn't really spot"the best friend" point. Best friends are supposed to share and have fun, and be happy together.

So here it is, my work, which is 2 girls are sharing, smiling and talking to each other with converse shoes on the feel and hands to have fun; 2 girls sharing and talking spotted the "best friend" 's attribute, converse shoes on their hands while talking is an ironic way to show how much they love Converse by wearing them on the feel and hands. (cause best friends love each other)


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