Sunday, July 29, 2012

Evolution or Revolution?

This task is about advertising
Advertising or Advertizing is a form of communication used to encourage or persuade on audience (viewer readers or listeners, sometimes a specific group of people) to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer behavior with employees and shareholders that a company is viable or successful.
Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via-various traditional medea such as blogs, websites or messages.

An advertisement primary purpose is to instantly attract the attention of viewers

After doing all this research, I had Converse on my mind, then I did some research for converse as well.

Converse is an American shoe company that has been making shoes, lifestyle fashion and athletic apparel since the early 20th century.

Charles H. "Chuck" Taylor
in 1921, a basketball player named Charles H. "Chuck" Taylor walked into converse complaining of sore feet, Converse gave him a job. He worked as a salesman and ambassador, promoting the shoes around the United States, and in 1923 his signature was added to the All Star Patch. He continued this work until shortly before his death in 1969.

And I found 2 ads which I want to improve.
The 1st Ad
Whereever you are, be all Converse
This ad is too simple to represent the message it gave us,-"WHEREVER YOU ARE, BE ALL CONVERSE"  2 pair of legs with converse on, a couple kissing probably. 
Now check out my work
I chose photography option to make it better, and the ad itself is more ironic, vibrant and clearer of the message it gave us. I made it into a series ad to represent "wherever you are, be all converse" And the shoes on the models' hands is more of an ironic, funny and interesting ad.

First photograph represents: Wherever you are, be all converse; though when a teenage young boy is about to get kicked by 2 girls (2 converse shoes)
Second photograph represents: Wherever you are, be all converse; though when you are talking on the phone. (Converse shoes are metaphorically the phones)
Third photograph represents: Wherever you are, be all converse; though when a super-hot girl is about to shoot you in the head. (Converse shoe is metaphorically a gun)

I found another ad online to improve
This ad gave us a message "A girl's best friend is converse"
This ad is too simple as well, just a girl with converse shoes posing there and smiling, doesn't really spot"the best friend" point. Best friends are supposed to share and have fun, and be happy together.

So here it is, my work, which is 2 girls are sharing, smiling and talking to each other with converse shoes on the feel and hands to have fun; 2 girls sharing and talking spotted the "best friend" 's attribute, converse shoes on their hands while talking is an ironic way to show how much they love Converse by wearing them on the feel and hands. (cause best friends love each other)


Saturday, July 28, 2012


I selected several colors which I like, and documented their different data, RGB, CMYK, and Pantone.
I can see a bit difference from each colors, Pantone can be a bit darker than RGB and CMYK cause they have their own different theories and usages.

RGB Color Model
The RGB color model is an additive color model in which red, green, and blue are added together in various ways to reproduce a broad array of colors.
The name of the model comes from the initials of three additive  primary colors, red, green, and blue.
The main purpose of the RGB color model is for the sensing, representation, and display images in electronic systems, such as televisions and computers, though it also has been used in conventional photography, (Before the electronic age, the RGB color model already had a solid theory behind it, based in human perception of colors)

CMYK Color Model
The CMYK Color model (Process color, four color) is a subtractive color model, used in color printing: cyan, magenta, yellow and key (black)
Though it varies by print house, press operator, press manufacturer and press run, ink is typically applied in order of abbreviation.

Pantone Inc. is a corporation headquartered in Carlstadt, New Jersey. The company is best known for its Pantone Matching System (PMS) a proprietary color space. Used in a variety of industries, primarily printing, though sometimes in a manufacture of colored paint, fabric, and plastics. In October 2007, X-Rite Inc, a supplier of color measurement instruments and software, purchased pantone ink for $180 million
 Pantone began as a commercial printing company in the 1950's 
The idea behind the PMS is to allow designers to "color match" specific colors when the design enters, production stage, regardless of the equipment used to produce the color. This system has been widely adopted by graphic designers and reproduction and printing houses for a number of years now.

By knowing their differences, and I started on using the colors I selected to make something out of them.
This is a pattern I found online, I think it would be nicer if it was with colors. I chose R-239, G-51, B-157 color and R-4 G-12 B-4 to make it look better
Edited 1
The black and pink colors are one of the colors I selected from the photograph.
Edited 2

Then I found this logo online
There's blue sky and clouds then turned into a light bulb to represent that nature gives us ideas; the blue sky seems quite bright, good color, but I want the both logos to look vibrant together in another way to make it look more like 2 logos in the same theme; and also to give them 'Pop-art" like
 I used the same RGB data to change the color of the light bulb's background.

Scanning Task

 First of all, I've done some research about scanning digital option;
Image scanner
In computing,  an image scanner- often abbreviated to just Scanner- is a device that optically scans images, printed text, handwriting, or objects, and converts to all digital image.

I chose an apple for the organic scanning object, a friend of mine drew a smile face on the apple, and wrote something as well; I rotated the apple while scanning, it captured the smile face and words on the apple.

Then I cropped the smile face as my texture
A smiling apple, what does it make you think of? I thought about happiness, so I typed "Don't Worry Be Happy" on this image.

Then adjusted the curve and contrast.
 And here it is, the final work.

My second organic object was my face.
I cropped 2 pieces from this image, the first part is my star necklace area.
process is basically the same as "DON'T WORRY BE HAPPY"

The second cropped part is my face. 
My head followed the light in the scanner while it was scanning, and it gave me this beautiful shape of facial transforming, it made me think of something alive and energetic which is exactly SOUL. 
 (Process is similar to the others)

Then I Chose a pink tie for my Non-organic object
Originally scanned image

Then I adjusted the contrast and curve, rotated the image as well, and I pictured a letter A on this image.
"A" is at the left corner

So I cropped the left corner, and started editing.
And here it is, the final work.
 This is a flyer for my final presentation, to give myself more confidence to nail the final presentation; XD
(As this is my current wall paper)

And here's one of my flyers which I was doing for fun, the pattern and the lines are cropped from the scanned tie as well, but it was scanned by following the light of the scanner; (I lost the original image)


Friday, July 27, 2012


This task is to let know how yo interpret objects using representation, Identity, production, consumption and regulation. 
Representation is the use of signs that stand in/for and take the place of something else. It is through representation that people organize the world and reality through the art of naming its elements. Signs are arranged in order to form semantic constructions and express relations.

According to my collections for our Cabinet of Curiosities task, I have 4 different items as my collection.
1, A kirpan
I traced the shape of this kirpan as the stencil for the silkscreen.
it's very easy to cut the shapes out with a cutter, then I used black color to print this one.

2, A Bob Marley badge.
He is a very well-known Reggae musician, Reggae represents love and peace, so I came up with this logo to represent this badge.
This one is also in black color.

3,  A hand band from Saudi Arabia
The 2 on the sides are the buckles of this hand band, and there's the lace of this hand band in the middle

4, A hand band presents Reggae because of red, yellow and green colors together
I drew several circles, and each circle is going to have its own color, red, yellow and green.
 with 3 colors of the hand band in 3 circles.

Some random shapes from my collections

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Contemporary Curation

Our photographic show is a Party Photography show, the theme is about parties such as concerts, music festivals, parties and clubbing nightlife.
Here are some Party Photography Pictures I found online.
Image one, Party Photography 1:
Image two, Party Photography 2: 

Party Photography is called nightlife photography as well; photographs of how much fun people have in the parties. So this is our gallery's theme, we will be showing Nightlife Photography in our gallery, check it out.

There are 5 of us in our group to design our own gallery, we decided to go with a Party Photography show; think about parties, how glamorous it could be, or how creative it could be, so I just went crazy and had several ideas to share with my team mates.

My 1st idea, A big disco ball in the middle of the gallery. which represents this show is a  party photography show.

My 2nd idea, "PARTY" mannequins wear the photographs on the neck. And will be randomly put in the gallery; "PARTY" mannequins have no heads but sexy bodies, their head would be a big sign with "PARTY" on both sides.

My 3rd idea, Black light art. Show's name and introduction on one of the walls in the gallery.
My 4th idea, Play with different kinds of party lights in the gallery. which will be a "club" style gallery. 
My 5th idea, Play with different kinds of party light. in the gallery to make it feel like a party

My last idea is A giant bottle with the photographs inside. which will be bigger and taller than human bodies.

Then my team mates and I sat together and shared our different ideas, a few of my ideas were used in our party photographic show.
Our final decision
Let's start from the entrance,  the entrance will be a hall way-enter, and in this hall way, there will be big printed images the same height as human height which are about the beginning of the parties, such as people drinking beers, socializing, or even making out.
The big printed images are for viewers to optically think they are walking into a party, and to inform them that this is a show about parties; and showing the beginning of the party is to give this gallery a time line, and to create a good beginning of the show.
Then when you walk into the gallery, you will see a wall in the middle way, with black light art on the wall, which is the show's name, and introductions
Black light are used in nightlife clubs and some parties quite often, which represents the show theme. 

On the left side, there's a stereo shows the videos of the different parties, like: and Future Music Festival in Malaysia, or some reference official videos, the sound of the videos will be played out, just to give the show a bit back ground music and add more atmosphere in the gallery; which is not going to be as loud as the parties, not to disturb the viewers mood.

We used one of my ideas for our curation, "PARTY" mannequins wear the photographs on the neck; it's a little bit changed though, we are going with the "PARTY" mannequins with LED screens on their chest and back to show the images, which will be played in order.
We will put several "PARTY" mannequins randomly in the gallery. Galleries usually show the artworks on the walls, we want it to be unique, so we decided to show most of the images in the middle of the gallery instead of the walls.

If you turn right at the black light art wall, you will see a giant vodka bottle bigger and taller than humans; which shows some of the photographs inside the bottle, so people have to walk around the giant bottle to view the photographs. (which is one of my ideas)

In the middle of the gallery, there's a big square glassed floor with photographs under the glass, and take a bow, you will see the photographs under your feet.

And in the middle of the square glassed floor, there's a 360 panorama picture showing in the middle, which will be a 360 degree view of the bar, and it will be a big printed image ans shown in a circle, as big as a real bar size, to make it look more realistic; 
 Will put high chairs around the 360 degree image, for viewer to have a rest in the middle and look at the images under the glass; and it makes the 360 panorama image more realistic.

Then we keep walking in the gallery, at the left corner, there's a giant disco ball showing the photographs as well; which gives it more party atmosphere; viewers have to walk around the ball to view the image. 
This is actually Shyam's idea, that is similar to my idea but better.

At the right corner, there will be a photo booth for the viewers to capture themselves in the show, and the photos will be printed with the show's name as the photo frames; to remember such an awesome show.

What will be on the walls since we are showing all the photographs in the middle of the gallery? We will put some bottle collections and several images on the walls.

The last one is connected to the entrance, it's also a timeline hall way-out of the show, and the same, big printed images at the hall way, but about the end of the parties, like people vomiting and big mess.

I think our contemporary curation is decently fine, we combined everybody's ideas together, and came up with this. Some of my ideas were not used, like playing with different kinds of party lights; because it will disturb the viewer's view to see the photographs. 

Friday, July 20, 2012

School Trip To The National Museum

School took us to the National Museum of Malaysia, it was a really cool school trip and my first time to the National Museum of Malaysia; the museum is palatial, beautiful and well-constructed, all of the galleries are amazing and well-arranged.
Here I've done some research for National Museum of Malaysia

National Museum of Malaysia
National Museum of Malaysia is a museum located on Jalan Damansara in Kuala Lumpur, Malysia. The museum situated in close proximity to the Perdana Lake Gardens and it provides an overview of Malaysian history and culture. Muzium Negara is a palatial structure built in the style of Rumah Gadang, an aspect of Minangkabau architectur. It's facade comprises elements of traditional Malay and modern features. Muzium Negara was opened on 31 August 1963, and it serves as a repository of Malaysia's rich cultural and historical heritage.
Muzium Negara is a three storied structure of 109.7 meters long and 15.1 meters wide and 37.6 meters at the central point. The museum houses four main galleries allotted to ethnology and natural history. The displays range from free-standing tableaux  showing cultural events lie weddings, festivals and costumes; to traditional weapons, musical instruments, arts, crafts, ceramics, and flora and fauna.

Image 1, National Museum of Malaysia: Wikipedia 

About this trip, all I wanna say is "I loved the massage chair in the lobby!" 1 RM for 3 minutes back massage, how awesome is that!

So anyway, the museum seemed really cool, especially with the well-designed stairs, it's a spiral walk-way to upstairs, non-steps stairs. The worst part was that we couldn't take any photographs inside the galleries, but I did write down some of really good artists' names for me to do some research afterwards.
 My favorite gallery was the Photography gallery, the entrance of the gallery was a camera lens, so basically people have to walk into a lens to see the show, a very creative and genius idea; it had a dark room in the gallery with different steps of how to develop the images and print the images out, which is really cool, cause I've been wanting to learn the Dark Room.
And there was this kids section, showing some artworks made by kids on the second floor, which was quite interesting; " All the kids are artists" from their work, I feel the natural and naive side of art.

Basically I found the whole museum very well-organized, and don't really have any critic comments about it;

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Artworks For My Allocated Studio Space

According to the big mind map with  21 different ideas, I got 5 ideas to work on eventually.
1, A bra for putting random stuff.
The original bra idea was to hang a bra on the ceiling and put stuff in the cups, but then I thought it needs really strong glue or tapes to stick the string on the ceiling which is connected to the bra, or otherwise, the weight of bra plus the random stuff in the cups will be too heavy to be hung up. So I came up with "Why don't I just fasten it somewhere on the desk or on the chair." here we go, -a C cup bra fastened at the back of my chair, and a very useful bra! XD

Here are some process pictures for my first idea
First Step, buy a C/D cup bra from the super market, (better to buy a cheap one, cause they are not bought to be worn anyway) or recycle bras you or you friends don't use anymore.
Second Step, take off the strings on the bra, just leave the bra itself (the cups)
Third step, design your own surface on the bra, here I had my paper stencil which is a Peace logo, and I pasted on the left cup, and sprayed the whole left part into black, on the right cup I wrote with a marker "MADE YOU LOOK" and "IT'S BITCHIN'! HAHA"
This is how the bra looks like after I put some design on the surface
Forth Step, Fasten it at the back of the chair, and at he buckle part of the bra, you can put pens on it, or notes and paper works with paper clips.
This is how it looks like at the back of the chair.

So this is my first idea, A bra for putting random stuff. I'm the kind of person who doesn't like wasting, and who's very much into saving. So I wouldn't waste any materials at all, so I made something out of the bra strings I took off, which can be my second & extra idea(during the process)
So I buckled the 2 strings on the side of my desk wall, how can it be used?
So this is it, you can use it as a pen holder or you can bring loads paper clips and clip your notes and stuff on the strings

My third idea was, "Christmas light all over our desk", wanna see how it turns out to be?

This is our desk, -me and Masha's desk. Something special right?
I got the Christmas light last semester, haven't really used it that often, so then I thought to use it to decorate my desk.
 This is how it looks like when the light's off, so whenever you feel bored or tired of thing too much for your assignments, you can turn the light on and trip into the light.

My next idea is "A board with 2 sides "DISTURB ME" and "DO NOT DISTURB"
DO NOT DISTURB, so whenever you are super busy with whatever you are busy with, you can show this side of the board to inform your classmates to stay away from you.

DISTURB ME, whenever you are super bored and have nothing to do, you can show this side of the board to inform your classmates to disturb you!

There are some process

Recycle boxes which are not used anymore and cut 1 side of it

Write "DISTURB ME" and "DO NOT DISTURB" on 2 pieces of A4 papers, and then stick them on the board you cut down from the recycled box

The next idea is "Make a boxers folder"
                             You can hang it at our side of the desk and put paper works in it or any kinds of files

                                                                Here are some process
The same thing, you can either recycle boxers from your friends or families which are not used anymore, or you can use your own boxers.

Cut the bottom of the boxers 

Make the boxers inside out, and sew the bottom part of boxers together

This is how it looks like when you are done sewing 

Then take it outside in back to normal again, and it will look like this

Spray, draw or write things you like on the surface

Then it's done!

The last idea is "Recycle a box for putting random stuff"
Then I thought I already had a box on my desk (Pandora box I made for my Digital Skills class task) so I can turn that one into a recycled box for putting random stuff in it.
Pandora Box for putting random stuff

So basically I had 6 practical ideas, and I had an extra one, - the bra strings.