Thursday, December 12, 2013

Campaign Video "For Peace, Paradox" & Learning Outcomes

Final Campaign Video / Short Film "For Peace, Paradox"

Above is the final work I have done for this group-work campaign, it is a short film I have made called "For Peace, Paradox" I have used paradox logic to construct the story, it is true death finds peace, but in real logic, death isn't the only way to find peace, however death takes everything away from the mankind. World peace depends on each one of us - the human kind to understand peace in a right way, humanity needs to have the inner peace from the individuals to construct world peace.

1. Describe appropriate research methods and processes in relation to their chosen field of study or project.
In this entire semester, I have improved my research and reading skills; I have found different sources to read on the internet from different websites and blogs. 
In the beginning of the semester, I have done a research of "humanity" and "humanity issues" link 1: this link directs to the first research essay I have done in the beginning of the semester. 
In this essay, I have read different materials from wikipedia to understand what humanity and humanity issue defines; and concluded a paragraph of how I personally understand term "humanity". 
Then I have found materials from The University of Western Australia's webpage which had listed the "Top Ten humanity issues" and did a deeper research on human rights and issues from Amnesty International USA.
Since humanity issue is a very philosophical topic, I had read a philosophical article online which inspired me a lot in different aspects, such as my personal life, and people/humans around me. 

2. Plan an individual research project appropriate to their chosen field of study/practice.
The mission of this semester is to create a campaign to address the issues we have found in humanity through research, and focus on the issue to give solutions, In this link, it directs to the second research essay I have written, link 2: In this essay, I had done a research of term "campaign" to understand what campaign is, what it does, and how it works. This essay had started off the entire project, it is a base of creating a good campaign; so later on I would be able to develop the entire campaign.
In this mission our class had been divided  into groups; In our group, we decided the main issue that we are going to focus and address that is "War"link 3: This link redirects to the research I have done to deeply understand what war had done to humanity and why it happened and existed in our world, I have also read materials of different weapons that had been used in the wars and are still being continuously developed and produced. This research is the second step of the entire campaign, and I have learned many histories which I hadn't known before, the new knowledges had enriched me and in the meantime shocked me.
Later on, our team had decided to divide different fields of work to each team mate, I was to focus on a campaign video which is a short film had been shown in the beginning of this article; to address the issues of war is to help humanity find peace, so I had started researching about term "peace" I have watched different campaign videos that have the same intension, and I have also found many famous people's quotes which did give me a lot of inspirations. (the evidence contains in link 2)

Thinking Skills
3. Demonstrate innovative and creative problem solving attributes within a chosen area of study.
In this campaign Video, I had used "paradox logic" to present this campaign, the video is a tragic story ends up with the main character committing a suicide to find his peace. in general logic, that "peace" is something beautiful and positive, but I had chosen the subject matter into a very dark and negative material to indicate peace, and it gives a giant contrast to make the audience understand peace in an inspiration and realisation of how terrible not having inner peace will cause. "Death leads to peace" is true, but it won't logically work in real situations; here is the paradox I have used. 

4. Select and implement appropriate analytical techniques.
Personally I am satisfied with what I have done for this campaign, the main focus of the campaign is the short film.
In this film, the picking of the music is appropriate to indicated each moments, the paradox logic subject matter may seem very sad to indicate peace, but it has got its own values and inspirations to an amount of people, realisation is the most important object in the film; to understand this film is to understand how peace works. The narration of the story could have been more concise and clear. Skills of video editing is fine, effects are not over used, and it has got a good sequence and matches the sound effects and soundtracks.

Subject - Based Practical Skills 
5. Be able to work safely and competently within a widening range of Graphic Design techniques and practices.  

Skills for life and work (general skills)
6. Identify the nature and sources of information needed to write a research proposal and report (project proforma and evaluative journal).

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