Sunday, December 1, 2013

Task 3 Current Photography Market

Photography Income Streams
The uses of photography are broad and therefore the markets are broad. Apart from understanding the markets, it is also beneficial to understand the possible income streams that can be derived from different markets.  There are 5 main possible income streams, which are 1 selling products, 2 selling rarity, 3 funding, 4 selling use rights/royalties, 5 selling time/expertise.                                                             
1, Selling products can be decided into three categories, retail - products - photographic equipment; the products can possibly be sold are posters, post cards, calendars, decor, screen savers, mugs, T-shirts, books etc.                
2, Selling rarity is selling artworks, incredible artworks such as fine art photography. 3, Funding can be funding on photographic projects, could be a corporation or for government. 
4, Selling use rights/royalties can be sold to books, magazines, newspapers, television, film, exhibitions, advertisingor online.                                                         
5, Selling time/expertise is doing things like teaching, training courses; or assignments, or like doing retouching, publishing and printing. 

Current Photographic Practice
I have started studying photography since the beginning of 2012, I have done many interesting college assignments, and some freelance photography work such as taking photos in parties and events as a nightlife/club photographer. 
In the past almost-2 years, I have taken many interesting photos and learned different techniques on how to use cameras and editorial softwares. 

These are the very first photos I've taken since I started studying
These photos were taken by Sony DSLR camera from college property, I did not have my own camera that time; apparently, the subject matters in those photos are very random, based in the environment where I live and study, and I took those photos for the personal interest of vision which did not turn out to be very valuable photographs. In the second photo, there's a cow as the subject, which could be the best from these three photographs, the other 2 photos are lifeless compare with the second photo.

These are the photographs I've taken at the beginning when I had my own camera
I shot those photographs with a Canon EOS 60D 18mm-55mm; apparently, my skills in photography had improved a little from the photographs I took with a Sony DSLR camera.
In these photos, I had centralised the subject, and genre is more to a nature photography, I had started looking for horizontal line; but the photographs turn to be meaningless, and apparently the watermarks are way too big, concise and simple watermarks can always keep your images professional.

Studio Practice
Later on, I have started doing studio practice, this was an optical illusion assignments, I chose the photo studio as the location of the shoot. In the first image, apparently, I had cut off the subject's hands which makes the whole image look not well completed. In the third image, the model jumped and gave a floating motion, although it did not show the "float" very much, because of the background, it is hard to find the ground, and notice what action is the model doing.

The practice of Low Key High Key and studio lighting
Lighting is the most important in photography, different lighting gives the artwork a different feeling and effects. In these photos I have done the practice of low key high key and studio lighting. 

The first conceptual photography I've ever taken
The practice of conceptual photography, it is getting more and more interesting when you insert your creativity and ideas into your photographs. I have done it, and started following it. 
These 2 images are in a series "Love Scene" the boy's attention is to show his feelings and tell the girl which is his goal pointed at the girl, his head did not get cut off, he is too shy to keep his head up, but the shadow of his ahead tells everything. Love sometimes meets the situation when two of them are walking to different paths and being apart from each other, but love still maintains.

Practise of photo manipulation and photo montage

In this semester, I am in practice of doing photographic campaign, my topic is about introversion; I am going to the conceptual photography direction of course. 

In my own opinions, the contemporary contains many many photographers out there unlike the old time when the technology was not as advanced as nowadays, that not everyone had a camera and it was hard to do a job as a photographer. The amateur could not work as a photographer in the old time, but today, the amateurs take their own very aesthetic and beautiful photographs. The technology has been developed so fast the smart phone takes high quality photographs, that there's even iphonography and phonography out there. 
No matter what equipment we use, good photographs always have its own value, good photographers can take good photographs with any cameras. 

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