Sunday, December 15, 2013

Task 2 - Personal Project - Production

An Introvert





Above are the final productions of this entire campaign I have been working on - An Introvert. The problem I am addressing here is to make people realise and understand what introversion is about and stop the ignorance of introversion that introverts needed to be changed to be extroverts to be better. 
Introverts have their beautiful world of vision and mind; they think differently, they also see things differently. Introverts are not antisocial, they just enjoy being within themselves and having fun with themselves, they can talk and socialise, when they do, they are as interesting as influencing and inspiring others who are talking to them. Introverts are creative having many different ideas all the time, the way of thinking is always something beautiful and colourful that makes their paths of working, studying and living more interesting and wonderful.

The ideas came from the inspirations from different materials I have at home, such as the raincoats, I have a pair of raincoats, a yellow coloured and a blue coloured, there was one rainy day when I had to walk to college in a raincoat, I had realised that raincoat closes a person very much which leaded me to this campaign project - an introvert; Since then I decided to use raincoats as a part of the subject matter, raincoat closes a person very well delicates the characteristics of introversion. 
Before shooting, I had planned and sketched down all the ideas that had came to me. 
First Sketch
In this sketch, there is the first idea I had thought about, this concept is around one characteristic of the introverts that is they are generally very creative, which leaded me to the artists, and artists are mostly very creative, and the most common tool that an artist uses is a pencil. Here, I concluded and had the very first idea of mine which I hadn't completed this idea; that is a photo manipulation of the subject walking among the forests of pencils instead of trees. 
The problem which caused me not to complete is the forests I had done my photoshoot in wasn't the ideal forests I had thought by the moment when I sketched out this idea. The woods I had been to had been very messy with the tree sticks/trunks and leaves and hard to manipulate on photoshop afterwards, a good solution os this problem is to set the location in a bamboo forests which is over limit of my current conditions.

Second Sketch
The above is the second idea I had, it involved a material - crystal ball. I had this idea one day while I was reading an article about crystal balls, and had known the facts that crystal balls visually make things upside down when you look through it; then I had searched on google image to have a look of how that effect looks or whether anyone has ever taken picture of this vision; then I had found many pictures of how things became upside down through the crystal ball.
Crystal ball makes objects upside-down.
The concepts of this idea was to show how introverts are balanced all the time, in the middle between two gravities that they don't get attracted by any sides but in a balance always.

Sketch 3
In this idea, I had considered of using shiny materials such as cutting off the shinny foils and shiny plastic materials into small pieces of stripes, the model of the subject will be blowing off this tiny and shiny stuff out from the inside the raincoats, and the camera angle will be set on the profile of the subject and  shoot the moment that looks like the shiny things come from the subject's inside; which indicates one characteristic of how introverts express and share interesting and colourful stuff around the socialised people. 
The reality turned out a little different from imagination while shooting, it was hard to capture the tiny stripes being blown out by the subject; instead the stripes float everywhere around and it turns out to look like this: 
The solution was to still apply this image in editing and edit it into a different concept, and the final outcome is the fourth image "Mind", which had been overlaid with a picture full of balloons to express the colourful thinking of the introverts.
When I overlaid these 2 pictures together, the different backgrounds had made the entire image messy and dirty and hard to understand and tell what's going on in the photograph, then I had used eraser tool to erase the trees and sticks parts on the balloon layer.

Sketch 4
This idea is the concept to indicate what the introvert's visions are, the world around them is black and white, but what they see through the mirror is a colourful world. The final outcome is the first photograph "Vision"
To have this effect, I had used polygonal lasso tool and traced the reflection on the mirror and copied layer, select the background layer and go to image to make the background layer black and white. 

Sketch 5
This idea is to express the same notion as sketch 4, - the vision of introversion. the subject matters are a pair of plasters stuck cross the subject's month to indicate the characteristic that the introverts don't talk much, but the subject matter the circle shades turn out to be colourful flower indicates the beautiful visions of introversion. 
The making of this image was easy, I had made the background layer black and white, and selected elliptical marquee tool, hold on shift and circle a photograph I had taken for flowers and copy layer - drag layer to the image of the subject, then copy layer again, so there are 2 layers for both the glasses for the shades, select both copies layers and hold Command+T to transform the size of both layers the same size at the circle of the shades, then manually adjust the positions.

Sketch 6
This was an idea of a photo collage in sequence of space which looks alike a panorama or wide angle prints, 3 different shots of the surroundings vertically and photo collage them into sequence. in each frame, the floating balloons has to be shown. The problem I had for this shot was the gas for the balloons, I couldn't find a proper gas that can help balloons float, and it was very hard to capture the balloons floating by throwing them to the sky, then I had changed the direction of using subject matter "balloons" in a different way while shooting, which turned out to be the fifth photograph "Path".

Sketch 7
This is an idea of photo manipulation and the outcome is the last photograph "influence", to get this photo, I had firstly set my camera on tripod and shot 5 times and put them together in sequence by space.

Sketch 8
This is a sketch of the subject matter and confirmation of the character in this photo shoot.

Sketch 9, 10
This is a sketch of planning, which plan should be taken the first and to set each shoot in order and well-organised, so the entire shoot won't take much extra time for deciding which should be taken the first, second…..till the last.

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