Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Reality of Dream

A girl wakes up in the morning full of sorrow, depression and emptiness. She’s surrounded by needles, coke and cigarettes. She found a box next to her bed, and there are 3 pills inside, she fights really hard deep inside to decide whether taking them or not. Finally she took them, her sorrow has gone, and the happiness from the drug effect had kicked in.
        She goes to the living room, lies on the hammock and starts listening to music, then falls into a nightmare, bunch of crazy murderers chasing after her to kill her in the woods. She keeps running away.
         While she’s running away, someone knocks on the door, she wakes up in wonder, opens the door, no one is outside, when she just closed the door and walks back to where she was, the door knocks again, with all her guts, she decided to open the door see who is really knocking, darkness, still no one, but the same box on a skateboard that she sees in the morning slides to her, she opens the box, she sees money and hears a scream.
          She wakes up again in her bed, full of sunlight and surrounded by candies. The same box that appeared in her dream is next to her. She took the box, and opens it, it is love.

Film Theory:
 What is the real reality of humanity? Is it a nightmare or a colorful dream? It's up to you.
         The entire film was shot in black and white, but the ending was shot in color, which converts the entire story from dream into reality, and I picked the sound of night as the background music with frames in daylight in the last scene to make the audience wonder if this colorful presence is really the reality? Or it's just another sweet colorful dream? I created these "mental murder" characters in this film and they are the most surrealist part of the film; their head are covered by wraps that does not make humans breath, and they all dress in formal into a business style that the humans who desire and only think about money are under a lot of pressure to live and breathe.
         A box of money knocks to visit and ends with a scream sound gives questions "is money something scary?" Well, people, you should think about this question; everybody will have different answers.
Music:1: Arrival of the Birds - The Cinematic Orchestra
          2: Rutten - Skream
Participation: Ivy Zhu
                    Maria Bocharova
                    Zamir Hakim
                    Shyamnath Ks
                    Abdul Muneeb

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