Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Digital Storyboarding and Illustration learning outcomes

1, Illustrate a knowledge of story telling planning.
I wrote my entire story planning in context with each frame of the entire film, and also did some sketches to create the story.

2, Experiment with digital and traditional techniques in producing a story board.
I've experimented with digital photography and using photoshop to create my final storyboard, and I've been practicing sketching and drawing as well to study the traditional method of storyboarding. 

3, Employ a detailed plan and techniques to effectively aid the construction of a digital video.
I've planned the entire film by drafting and wrote down the entire plan on the notebook.

4, Compile an online journal which evaluated and reflects the practice.
I've been doing a lot of research on storyboarding and had them updated in my blog to help me develop my ideas, concepts on making the storyboard.

5, Present body of work which demonstrate an understanding of the role of storyboarding in creative story medium.

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