Monday, April 22, 2013

Montage - Trip To The Rooftop

Photo montage, the process and result of making a composite photograph by cutting and joining a number of other photographs. And here are the works I've done for this assignment.




There are 4 pieces of the montage work, I created a story line and the story's name is Trip to The Rooftop. The process of this is that I took pictures in the photo studio of a model and cut the background and stuck on a painting paper, start drawing the backgrounds; I tried my best working on painting a perspective background, although it is not perfectly very perspective.

 The first image, Wandering is the guy walking in a different world in a different dimension, and then in the second image, Flying, he started noticing on the tall buildings around him; after awhile, the colors from this world started becoming wings to lift him up to the rooftop; in the third image, Observing, he started observing all around, and walking on the rooftop; in the end, the last image, Falling, he wasn't careful and fell down from the rooftop with a tragedy, and while he was falling down, his colorful wings from this different work starts breaking apart, that caused the tragedy.

Here are some sketches before I started working on this painting:

I have done many experiments with montage in this semester, in the first experiment, I got confused between photo montage and photo manipulation, so with a wrong direction of this assignment, I started an experiment with photo manipulation, and the works are down below.

Then I started working on the techniques on photo montage, I started playing around with the Holga lomography film camera first, and create some old school photo montage. Check it out

After experimenting on the films I started experimenting with my digital camera and digital photo shop software, check it out

So this is the montage assignment I've done for this semester so on, hope you like my work.

Sunday, April 21, 2013

Creative Photography - Money, why?

Money, why?


All About Money

Money, wanted!

Money Makes You Crazy!

Money, just paper.

Creative Photography is one of the assignments in this semester, I chose a theme about money reality nowadays, to make people open their eyes and see money's real side, and how money destroys people and makes them crazy, and to make people realize that money is important in this world but money is a demon on the other hand, and stop wanting too much money, and stop being crazy for the money in this world.
I got the inspiration in some of  my living and traveling experiences and some crazy and messed up stories that caused by the desire of money I've heard about.
Such as nowadays, education is business that most of the people would agree with me, some people need to work for 5 years to earn the money for 3 years university education fee; and I've heard about a lot of complains about living on campus in the college hostel from some Chinese students, that the college desires to get more extra money from the students for no reason or they'd create some ridiculous and non-existed dramas then ask the students for some more extra money; or as some of my European looking friends told me that Asia is racist, when they travel in Asia, some shops, restaurants and taxi ask them for twice more price, which is NOT fair! And as my own experience to Thailand, for a person from China has a Chinese passport could get an Arrival Visa at the boarder, but instead I got hustled by a random Thai guy who told me that he could get me arrival visa and I had to pay him money, as soon as he gets the money, he's gone. 
Well, there are lots of more examples to show how world goes crazy around money; it's true that everyone needs money to live and not to be hungry, but it has to be a limit, when you are off the limit, I believe everything will be out of control; as long as we control ourselves, everything will be all right.

There are 10 photographs in this album, the 1st image: Money, why? was captured with slow shutter speed and tripod to give this effect, the model wrote on the floor with light, and the photograph was taken at night.

The 2nd photograph: MONEY, was captured with slow shutter speed and tripod as well, and with a green laser light written on the wall.

The 3rd photograph was a lot of process, I got inspirations on the clay that I have at home, I made some little people without heads, and stuck the printed fake dollar into the bodies as their head to show that most people now is money headed, that think about money all the time; and a television in the middle with money coming out of it to represent that most of the media nowadays is for loads marketing and all about money; the "shit" next to it to show that money minded people who only think about money live in a "shit" world.

Getting inspirations on the clay

Got some inspirations from the mirror reflection

Money, wanted! I played with slow shutter speed with the camera and by zooming in and out during the slow shutter speed processing moment; I stuck the printed fake dollars on the wall, and desiring hands position to show that everyone wants to take the money if there is money.

Money Makes You Crazy! The same process as Money, wanted! I stuck the fake dollars above the model's eyes to show that most people only see the "beauty" of money in their life without knowing that money makes them crazy!

Money, just paper. I managed this photograph in the end, because I wanna give a conclusion of the whole album, to tell people:" Think about it, cash is actually just a piece of paper, it's flammable, there's lots of more beauty in this world, money isn't everything to us, look at the passion of the fire! it's another beauty of the world that exists." 

Behind the scene
The money in the photo shoot isn't real money, it's printed fake money and paper.
Model: Egor Fedotov

Money can help you get most of the things in the world, but it can not help you get everything in this world.

Dawn to Dusk

Dawn to Noon

                                          Good morning

Sunlight hurts my eyes

Noon to Dusk

Hello, sunlight

Say bye to the sunlight

This assignment's title is Dawn to Dusk, to capture a travel log in photography, it's a one-day photography from dawn to dusk. 
My theme of this whole album is a big contrast of the natural view of a suburb (where we live and our college locate) and the urbanized view of a big city - Kuala Lumpur. There's a big big difference in this album in each 10 photographs.
From the morning to the noon, I went on a hike to the mountains which surrounds our Legenda college,  and captured the movement of the sunrise to the noon (when the sunlight is on the top of our heads) in sequence. Then from the noon, I took a train all the way to Kuala Lumpur city to capture the city view of the day -the other half day, from the noon to the night.

In Naturalism, Dawn to Noon, I played with the mood of the sky, the light of the sunrise and the effected clouds by the sunlight to show the early morning view; then I played with capturing the shadows and shooting the sun directly to show the sun in the heat, and the sun is above our head and the noon view.

In Urbanized, Noon to Dusk, I captured the small details of the city instead of taking pictures of the tall and magnificent buildings, some details represent a personality, so I chose to use the details of the city to show the personality of the urbanized world. I played with reflection, perspective in the photographs, and captured how colorful and bright the city is in the evening or either during the day, city is fun!

In the end,
The critique of this whole album that I'd give for myself is that my photographs need more object in them, instead of being empty, it's much better to express more through the photographs.
And this is Down to Dusk of one-day photography from my vision, hope you like the photographs.