Monday, June 25, 2012

Electric Waves

There's Electromagnetic Radiation in science, it's a stuff we can't see, feel, smell, or hear, but it's shown next to the speakers, or next to the screens.
Electromagnetic Radiation (Research)
Electromagnetic radiation (EM radiation or EMR) is a form of energy emitted and absorbed by charged particles. Which exhibits wave-like behavior as it travels through space. EMR has both electric magnetic field components, which stand in a fixed ratio of intensity to each other, which oscillate in phase perpendicular to each other and perpendicular to the direction of energy and wave propagation. In vacuum, electromagnetic radiation propagates at a characteristic speed, the speed of light. (Wikipedia)

I recorded the electric waves sound through the speakers, I recorded with my cellphone, cellphones usually send electric waves to make calls or receive calls, or either message and use internet.
While it's recording, I open a web page on my phone, so it sends waves and effects the speakers, and the sound will be shown and recorded.
Here's the sound

Here are some designs of electric waves which I got online,
                                                        Image 1: Electric waves,

                                              Image 2:Electric Waves,

Here's a video of how the electric waves move through the sound I recorded.

I used lines to express the sound I recorded on the piece of paper, when the wave comes up, my line goes sharp and pops up which is similar to an electrocardiogram.
                                                          Process 1
Then I thought to make a vector art out of it,
I started with Illustrator software 

 I made circles and lines in Illustrator first, then I used an effect in Illustrator which is called zig-zag, this effect makes the lines sharp which's exactly what I wanted, because the sound is sharp and noisy.
Zig-Zag Effect
Then I did some more research for Electromagnetic Radiation and I got some Diagrams online,
Diagram 1: Electromagnetic Radiation,
Diagram 2: Electromagnetic Radiation,
According to the diagrams I got online, there are 3 different colors which present 3 different stars: blue-hotstar, green-warm star, and red-cool star. I don't really understand those 2 diagrams cause I've not been studying science but art, so I decided to used blue, green and red colors to finish my final artwork.
 Final Artwork

There is some process
First of all, create a new layer
Select the brush tool, and change the color into blue
 Change the option on the top from Normal to Multiply
Brush the blue color on the image
 Then select red color for the rest of the image
The last color, green.

This is what I got from the sound of electromagnetic radiation, hope you enjoy it.


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