Monday, June 4, 2012

Cabinet of Curiosity

 Picture 1,    From Wikipedia.

Cabinet of Curiosity(Research)

1, The cabinet of curiosities was originally a personal collections of things of wonder (The cabinets were also referred to as Wunderkammer- or cabinets of wonders)

2, These cabinets reached the peak of their popularity in the 17th century; they were the personal and often idiosyncratic collections of individual, wealthy owners and contained both natural and man-made objects.

3, The main function of cabinets was to provoke a sense of curiosity and wonder in viewer; in many ways they represented a world-view that valued the "wonder" in an artifact much more than the need to analyze and classify that artifact.

How do I think about Wunderkammer? 
 In my personal view, Cabinet of Curiosities is a very interesting thing to do, I rarely collect stuff, but collecting stuff is to enrich people's knowledge and provoke people's curiosity. Different generations have their own kinds of Cabinet of Curiosity, it helps people with the history. And different cultures have their own curiosities, so it helps us to know about different cultures.
Cabinets of Curiosities is different from museums, in museums you can find stuff with the timelines and all kinds of information. Museums are there for people to understand what the objects in the museums for, and for them to know the background history or story about the objects; though Cabinet of curiosities if a room or /a cabinet for people who are interested to the stuff inside to ask many curious questions and dig out the information by themselves.
So basically I think Cabinet of Curiosities is a very important thing in human generations, it's there to help people, it's there to make the world wiser; (or we could say "make the human race wiser) and 1 more thing, digging your own curiosity is a very easy way to learn and study.

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