Wednesday, April 25, 2012

GD Assignment 2 Project Me

This is my Graphic Design Assignment 2, It's an installation artwork about myself; the name of this project is ME; cause I used bottles to spell the word 'ME'
Using bottles is Environmental Friendly, recycling; We can make bottles into a fine artwork instead of throwing them away. That's why I chose bottles to be my installation artwork's material;
"Me" presents Independent, and shows my biggest personality, I love being independent, and doing stuff on my own; and I am actually an independent person;This assignment is all about ourselves, so I though Spelling the word "ME" isn't a bad idea.
I wanted my bottles to look very colorful and shiny, so I thought to use the Christmas Tree Light, it always shines perfectly, it does shine better with those bottles. And the bottles with the light on makes this artwork have a little bit of mysterious feelings in it.
This big 'ME' is made of bunch of bottles; if you pay attention to the details, you can see some drawings inside the bottles; those are several logos I designed which present my personality and some of my interests;

 This is how it looks like without light on, looks simple and casual.

 Here is a video of my installation art,

I used highlight colors in my project as well, when the light turns into blue or purple color, the highlight colors glow

Here are some process pictures 

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