Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Project Campaign Topic Finding

I have been searching and looking at different campaigns or projects that I was interested in I have found a few projects in different fields, the projects that's created by photographers artists, designers and organisations. I had listed down a few topics that interested me to do this year project's topic. 

1, Protect the animals on earth, a campaign to help animals find their freedoms of living and not being tortured by humans. 
I had this topic on my mind and inspired from a documentary I had watched last semester while I was searching for a topic to do for the last campaign; I eventually had chosen to do a campaign to support world peace with my team mates last semester. The documentary I had watched is Earthling; 
EARTHLINGS is a powerful and informative documentary about society’s treatment of animals, narrated by Joaquin Phoenix with soundtrack by Moby. This multi-award winning film by Nation Earth is a must-see for anyone who cares about animals or wishes to make the world a better place. http://earthlings.com

2, Another topic that I am interested in is how this society really is in the real world, in the situations that people actually have this "level" concept between people; where an amount of people who are rich and have political power or any other power mostly look down at the people who are poor with no power of anything, not even their own personal life; and of course, the absolute rich people and absolutely poor people are a big contrast; but the fact is we don't need to draw a level line between the identity of different people. Looking at people from top above or from down below are neither not necessarily supposed to be existed. Cause I think humans are all the same spices and there's a "level" but this "level" is always on the same line in each person.

3, Revolution without war. 
There is hardly to see any revolutions without war except technological revelation; any political revolutions always end up of a bunch of people protesting and fighting till everything  is destroyed. Revolution is a change, but a change needs to pay the effort of everything they have is really not worth it. This topic is inspired by the situation in Ukraine country where people protest to throw their government away, and the government fights back by killing the people who were protesting; there's a conflict in that country that half of the people want their country to belong to Europe and another half agree that the country should follow Russia. As an outsider, we really don't know the facts, and it is also hard to know the facts when a big mass going on by the people; It's like a very realistic drama that's hard to tell what's real and what's fake. And politics is always as complicated as dirty. 

4, Another social problem that I have been looking at is how some amount of people chase the branded expensive stuff; it's like zombies in the movie chasing humans and killing them with no brain to control what they are doing. Buying expensive stuff without thinking if they really need in their life.

5, Attitude of art / Artitude
I had this topic on my mind by seeing how the designers around me in the studio are working and their attitude of being designers and artists; the studio was looking amazing when I first time came to this department, I was actually a little stunned by the whole white design of this place; it stands out from any places in college; time has passed on; this place doesn't look as good as the first time I see this place, the reason in it could be the long time of seeing the same place over and over again; it could also be a problem of the attitudes among us. 
I personally think, as designers, the first impression of being a designer is the creative and positive spirits and the attitudes of doing things, designing and making art is such a fun thing to me personally, and I believe I will never get tired of making art and creating different things. Attitude is the most important thing to live with, it is also the most important thing when you do things and no matter what you do. Having the good attitude leads a person to a positive path of everything, when the attitude becomes bad and irritating, it will always bother a person doing what they do. 
Attitude isn't only about how you think and how you like what you do, it is also about the detailed things; like protecting the environment and keeping the workspaces clean and tidy. A clean workspace will lead a person to a positive and different mood, and changes to a good visual and opinions of the places and space. 

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