Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Inspiring Campaign and Project

I have searched for some creative and awesome projects or campaigns that's done by different people in different fields, artists, photographers, designers and more; and there are quite a few that gave me inspirations on my year project. I will list down these inspiring campaigns and projects I have found.

Insight 2011 Campaign

Insight 2011 Campaign from MIKEPISCITELLI on Vimeo.

An epic, 600-person street party held in Bondi Beach in February marked the official launch of Insight's equally epic 2011 campaign, 'Untitled'. 'Untitled' is a celebration of artistic freedom and, for Insight creative director Steve Gorrow, an act of "sticking my finger up to the industry." The campaign runs for the duration of 2011 and is depicted through a series of installations collectively conceived in Bali by Insight's 'Garage Artists' from around the world. 'Untitled' also 8 sublime original imagery captured by renowned LA-based photographer, Mike Piscitelli.
The campaign was developed conceptually, why it's important to take a stance when you're the last kids not wearing suits. http://oystermag.com/insights-untitled-campaign
To Insight's official website: http://www.insight51.com

I got inspired by its free style of the entire campaign; as "sticking my finger up to the industry" and the campaign "untitled" is the title of the campaign which directly, clearly and creatively lighted the campaign, and suited the theme. 

And this is the spirit of making art, being an artist or a designer; it is also an attitude of art. Attitude of art is what I will be focusing to do in this year project. And I have found this project that had inspired me on how and what to do for "attitude of art" project.
Project Blam Blam Blam

burn studios: Art exhibition in 12 hours (Zürich) from burn on Vimeo.
Blam Blam Blam is a project made by 12 Students in 7 rooms for 12 hours to transform an abandoned house into an installation art exhibition. Featuring works are by 
Project produced by burn studio, Burn (energy drink) is an energy drink owned and distributed by The Coca-Cola Company, carrying the official tagline “Fuel your fire”. burn is distributed in more than 80 countries including France, Spain, Italy, Poland, Turkey, Russia, Japan, Korea, Brazil, Afghanistan and Mexico.   
This project is very inspiring on the spirit of turning an abandoned place into such an amazing artistic place; and it is also a place that brings people together to party, have fun and vote by hammering nails on the wall of different rooms of installation art.
I think as a designer, sharing thoughts and exchange what we know helps us to get to know more and learn from the others; it is also a way of attitude in art world. 

This project gave me ideas to change the environment in our department; although our department is not an abandoned place, but seems like it will be an abandoned place soon in the future if all of us still sit in front of our laptops everyday and producing lots of trash in our workspace; I wanna help the designers, photographers, illustrators, animators, artists and etc. to create a place where inspires all of us to find our own attitude of art/in art/ in what we are doing. 

Another inspiring source is a movie I had watched last year The Internship; It's a movie about two salesmen whose careers have been torpedoed by the digital age find their way into a coveted internship at Google, where they must compete with a group of young, tech-savvy geniuses for a shot at employment. In the film, there are scenes in the Google company, where is a completely a "paradise" for the people who work there. 

There is a slide in the company just for fun! 

Bicycles in google company, they go environmental friendly

People who work for Google, don't work for work, they work for fun, I'm sure people who work there don't sit in front of their laptops or computers all day long and everyday. Doing activities, having fun is where people get ideas from, as designers, having fun and knowing how to have fun is the key to lead our work interesting, and it is also an attitude. 
By this, I have considered of creating interesting games for my target audience to get them having fun together and in the meantime to share their thoughts and exchange experience. 

The Gap by Ira Glass

THE GAP by Ira Glass from frohlocke on Vimeo.
Ira Jeffrey Glass (born March 3, 1959) is an American public radio personality, and host and producer of the radio and television show This American Life.
This video is made by Denial, who's got inspired by David Shiyang Lius lovely piece of work about Ira Glass. http://vimeo.com/24715531 
I have watched the original interview with Ira Glass video and found this video by Denial is more inspiring and motivating than the original ones. 
Improving ourselves is an attitude as well; The objectives of my project is to motivate the people who I work together or the new students who are going to be here when I'm gone. I want to motivate my target audience to improve themselves on what they do by finding a right attitude; I considered making a creative video to aid this campaign project. 

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