Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Jessica and Emily's Crazy Trip Video

Here's a video of the 20 words story, it's a 6 minutes video about the story, I played with clay to create the characters, and drew background on the papers to tell the story; I also got some feedback about this video from class, such as I could use different tones on different characters to clear who's talking in the story. My classmates did pretty good job as well, such as Amir's work, I really like that he highlighted the 20 words that he used in the story.http://amirebrahimiphotography.blogspot.com/2013/06/writing-for-designers_4883.html

Here are some character sketching, and some sketches of the ideas that I got for this video.

 I drew the background in the this video on A3 size papers, these are the drawings of the background.

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