Sunday, June 30, 2013

Difference Between Scholarly Journals and Popular Journals

Scholarly journals are signed by the author and it's written by an expert or scholar, it also provides the author's credentials and affiliations, and it may have multiple authors.
Popular journals are mostly unsigned and written by journalist, staff or free-lance writer.

Scholarly journals are source cited such as bibliography and reference list, and it involved endnotes and footnotes, it also may have an abstract.
Popular Journals probably don't contain bibliography and they are written for a broad audience.

Scholarly journals are controlled by peer review or referee process.
Popular journals are reviewed or assigned by editors and publications may do fact checking, spell checking and grammar checking.

Scholarly journals are utilitarian appearance, few photographs and they are published quarterly or monthly.
Popular journals contain many advertisements and journals maybe in the title, but the publication isn't scholarly, they are published monthly, weekly or daily.

Scholarly journals focus on narrow subjects, detailed analysis, longer articles and they are usually about research, there are also charts graphs or tables.
Popular journals are articles of general interests or current news, they are short articles(less than 5 pages) lots of photographs and flossy paper and eye-catching graphics and layout.

Scholarly journals are published by professional association or academic press, and many journals use successive pagination throughout the year. Scholarly publications are available from university library, lab or office.
Popular journals are published by media conglomerate or commercial publisher. Popular publications are available from newsstand or home subscription

Trade journals are published by professional or trade associations, they have a specific limited audience and contain advertisements related to the profession; also provide a forum job advertisements, they use jargons of the industry, and contain photographs of trade/ industrial setting.

Commentary is intellectual subjects matter, it comments on current issues, they are about cultural or political subjects, it may have a political leaning left or right. It is also literary, artistic, dramatic critism.

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