Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Analog Traditional VS Digital Methods

There are 2 types of style to create artwork nowadays, there's traditional way such as drawing, sketching, painting and all other practical methods; there's also digital way nowadays such as software editing and different kinds of apps, we live in future already.
I like both methods of creating artworks, and I'd always like to combine both of them together; either of these methods has advantages and disadvantages.
 Let's talk about traditional method, traditional is more focused on the technique parts, things that's made by hands without any digital helping, for example painting, painting with water color and some other art tools are the most enjoyable thing, paintings can be felt by the texture on the paintings, traditional painting is more of an easy way to control, compares to digital painting.Traditional method is also a deeper experiment than digital method, it makes you practically do more and experience more, and it also helps us to practice our skills. But traditional methods takes a long period time.
Well, digital method is great as well, people prefer digital very much nowadays, cause it's more convenient, fast and easy to share online with everybody. Technology is really important now, you can also share and record an artwork that's made by traditional method through digital method; and the disadvantages of the digital method could probably be bad for our eyes, because the different apps and software must be working with a computer, it's easy for us to get tired.

Trip To the Rooftop

Who's The Tallest game

Let's talk about my previous work, the first one Trip To The Rooftop is a montage work, I experimented with both traditional and digital methods, first I took digital pictures with the model in different angles in the studio, using digital equipment camera, then I printed the pictures in digital method as well, in the end, I painted the back ground with water color using traditional method, so I combined both methods in this work,    how do I share this work online in the end? Well I took pictures of the final work and worked a bit with photoshop to make the images flat as a digital artwork.
And the second one Who's The Tallest, the game that I've designed, I practically painted the little bricks in the game with nail polish and also made a dice with material and painted with watercolor then clear spray, so it's all made in traditional method, also in the end, I scanned all the elements from the game that I designed in traditional method, so it is another digital method share this work here.

My conclusion about these two different methods is very well balanced, I think combining both is the best.

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