Sunday, December 16, 2012

Packaging "Who Is The Tallest"

Packaging and labeling
Packaging is the science art, and tecnology of enclosing or protectiong products for distribution, storage, sale and use. Packaging contains protects, preserves, Transports. informs and sells.
This is the front side and left side of the game packaging I designed, the left side is How To Play with a bit of game rules on it to let people know what kind of game it is. Front side is a tall-building like logo represents the game's name, and it's the day time of the tall building, on the top it says "Fresh Game" instead of "Fresh Milk"

Back side and left side. Back side is the night version of the tall building logo, I cut the middle of the building and stuck a see-through plastic material for consumers to see what's inside. On the top, it says "EXP: TILL THE END OF THE WORLD" of course, a game won't be spoiled ever.

Back side and right side. The right side says"ingredients" which tells the consumers what's inside the packaging.

Right side and the front side.

I used CMYK colors to design this packaging because a game is supposed to be fun, colorful sight attracts consumers' eyes and makes the game look lots of fun in it, the whole packaging looks like a milk box because it suits the game's name "Who Is The Tallest"
Milk contains various nutritions, there's calcuim and vitamin D which helps people grow taller.
The front page and the back page have this day and night contrast reprents that the game is lots of fun that YOU CAN PLAY ALL DAY AND ALL NIGHT ALONG!

I used the Game Stack'em's packaging and turned it inside out to color it on my own at first, but there was no space for the dice so I had to give up on the original box.

It's the same process to color this box as the way I made the time-dice, but I ruined the whole thing when I sprayed the clear spray on the surface. the color started to drip and fade, so it's better to spray one side and wait for it to dry up then spray the other sides, and always keep the surface horizontal not vertical. 

Then I came up with the milk box idea, and found a source on how to create a milk box online, and made my own mini milk box mock-up as an experiment. 
I had many ideas on the packaging at first.

Eventually came up with a milk packaging.

Then I started working on the surfaces.

I had this idea that the whole box will be a nerdy face with glasses and glassed could be see through material.

And came up with this idea that many many tall buildings and famous tall architectures on a see-through earth.

I measured the game itself and came up with the numbers on the packaging, and made another mock-up.

And then I sketched on the mock-up surfaces.

Eventually came up with the type faces and logos.

In this task, I've learned a lot, and I've experimented so many times that I know what my mistakes were and I won't have the same problem in the future.
Hope you enjoy it.

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