Time goes by, it's 2012, 21st century already; what's our earth like so far?
There's a list of environmental issues I found on Wikipedia
Dump's everywhere next to the soccer filed, nobody cares, everybody just simply walks by and never pays attention to it; dump stinks very bad, this makes the quality of our life worse on the campus. There are many solutions, such as setting up different trash bins, recyclable and non-recyclable, and separate the trash into different bins where the trash belongs, recyclable trash will be recycled to be made into new products.
Animals are even living in a bad quality of life, not only human beings, animals have life like humans do, they need clean homes as you do, human beings usually clean and decorate their houses into perfect heavens, but they've never given much thought to out there, look what kind of environment those animals are living at? Would you live out there if you were them?
The lake, the school. Can you actually see the facts? We live in a "deep shit"! What's the lake for on our campus? For everyone to chill at, not for everyone to dump their crap out there. I don't know what karma we are going to get, because I am not a fortune teller, but I have a very good example to show people what kind of karma we might get.
It's like this, -Environmental Issue, http://www.biophage.com/environmental-issues.html
Environmental issues are harmful aspects of human activity on the biophysical environment. Environmentalism, a social and environmental issues through advocacy, education and activism (Wikipedia)
There's a list of environmental issues I found on Wikipedia
List of issues
-Climate Change
-Environmental degradation
-Environmental health
-Genetic Engineering
-Intensive farming
-Land degradation
-Land Use
-Nuclear issues
-Over population
-Ozone depletion
-Resource depletion
Littering is one of the ways to waste on our earth, and it will be a huge problem if we don't stop and continue doing what we are doing and acting like we are blind.
Litter consists of waste products that have been disposed of improperly, without consent in an inappropriate location (Wikipedia)
Cigarette butts are the most littered item in the world, with 4.5 trillion discarded annually. (Wikipedia)
Littered Cigarettes Butts, http://www.sushi-suzuki.com/blog/2007/01/tax-cigarettes-in-way-that-makes-sense.html
Smoking is harmful to human health, but people still do smoke, even though it's harmful to our home- earth, cigarettes butts are very small pieces, but when you put them together, it will be a big chaos like the image above, think about how those cigarettes butts are going to be disappeared in the world, there's no way to make them disappear in this world, the more people smoke, the more pollution we get. There are many solutions, and many things we can do to stop this harm for our earth. First of all, stop smoking, or smoke less; do not throw cigarettes butts everywhere; and recycle them to make them into new products.
Illegally dumped items containing hazardous waste can harm the environment and have a potential negative impact on human earth. Hazardous items are often dumped in isolated locations, such as National forests and other public land. (Wikipedia)
Illegally dumped items, http://www.hkcleanup.org/en/content/illegal-dumping-fact-sheet
This about this, who is going to pick the dumped items in the woods? Nobody, nature would like to be ruined by this way? Think how beautiful the forests look like to you, would you still dump in the forests? In this image, it only contains tires and some furniture stuff, what if it's hazardous dumped items right there, how bad would it be in this woods? How do we stop this? -Dump those items in the certain areas such as recycling bins or recycling garbage to recycle the items.
Litter can exist in the environment for long periods of time before degrading and be transported large distances into the world's oceans, Litter can affect quality of life.
Litter affects the quality of life, http://media.herald-dispatch.com/blog/cobb/2008/04/litter-affects-quality-of-life-in-our.html
Such as the image above, what is it's in front of your house? Would you ignore or would you go mental? I would personally go mental; trash are degraded in a very very long period, and some of the trash are even meant to be sent to the oceans, how many people do litter everyday? If everybody does littering very often, our earth would be covered full of dump, would you live in a better life or a worse life? So stop littering for a better quality of life.
I personally went out to shoot some littering facts around me, the photographs are awfully gross, and the facts are on our campus, people litter so much that they don't even notice this fact.
Beautiful green soccer filed with one piece of white dumped item. I visualized how my campus would look like before I got here, it was a green campus, beautiful and refresh grass land everywhere, but by the time I got here, I asked myself "where the hell am I?" I personally chase after being perfect, I want everything perfect around me, a big white trash spot does really not look good on this peaceful green soccer filed, let's start with not littering everywhere, but in the bins!
The gutters are full of dumped items. Gutter, nobody ever simply cares to have a look, but when I saw this, I was shocked, gutter is for the water to run away, but these ones are basically to resort the trash, and I bet the trash will never be gone if there's still no body cares about this huge issue.
Disgusting fact
The Simpsons Movie, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Simpsons_Movie
Everybody knows what The Simpsons is, there was a movie published in
2007 called The Simpsons Movie, it's basically a story about how Homer Simpsons destroyed the whole town by dumping his "Spider Pig's" crap into the lake, and evil happened after all.
We don't want that, do we?
So from now on, let's start on our own, stop dumping, stop littering, let's all protect our home- earth!
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