Monday, November 17, 2014

Video: 坏,Corrupted.

坏,Corrupted. This video has NO commercial purpose. It's purely educational purpose for college assignments. (No copyright infringement intended) Music: Sweep by © Blue Foundation

As I have planned for my graduation project, I have made an experimental and artistic oriented video to conclude my project that themed as "corruption". I recorded the entire footages and clips for this video by a canon 60d dslr camera with a 50 mm prime lens. And I have edited the entire video by Final Cut Pro and used Adobe Lightroom to adjust the tones and exposure of the footages and render time-lapse video.
The concept of this video is to indicate and denote the meaning of corruption through a sophisticated visual language.
I have applied: 
1. spoiled fruits
2. characters with masks
3. playing cards
4. broken glass window
5. injector with a crow feather
6. spiral mosquito coil
7. red and dark liquid
8. rain
9. motion of flowers getting decayed

Spoiled Fruits
The reason that I have applied spoiled fruits as its meaning "spoiled" and "rotten" indicate the meaning of corruption as they both are a derogatory term, the meanings are closely related.

Characters with Masks
There are two different contrasting characters wearing masks involved in this video, one is a character with a formal dress-up, and the other is a character with no cloths on and appears dirty on the body. The character with a formal dress-up represents wealth in the video, and the other dirty cloth less character represents poverty in the video. Their contrasting appearance in the video at the same time brings the awareness of the unbalanced world between wealth and poverty. 

Playing Cards
The playing cards contain a common known rating as the king cards are considered "higher" and "bigger" cards in the games and they are also called as "the king" which represents the upper class of our society such as king of a kingdom, governor of a country or dictator of a country. They king cards also denote the meaning of wealth in this video. The wraps around the king card metaphorically denotes a meaning that  the upper class intends to cover up their corrupted conspiracy scheme by using food wrap to somehow "keep fresh" and disguise the real side of themselves, even though it's hazily and obscurely obvious and visible through vision like the society deeply know the facts of going-on corruption. In contrast, card No. 2 are generally considered as the "lowest" cards in many playing cards games, it represents the meaning of poverty in this video. In between of these two different and contrasting cards, there's a motion of stepping down the stairs, it's set to metaphorically tell that "it's easy and effortless to become poor and a lower class.

Broken Glass Window
The very first frame of the video is a broken glass window and followed by a big stroke Chinese word "坏" this Chinese word has many significant meanings as a derogatory term: 
Broken is the lack of perfection as a whole, it indicates the situation of our world isn't perfect as a whole. It is broken and we all know that.

Injector with a Crow Feather
The crows are generally considered as "death" and "darkness" cause of their habitation and behaviours, they like to fly above death. And the injector are generally medical used to inject virus or drugs into human physical body. I have combined these two subject matters together to metaphorically interpret and narrate "corruption is like a dark virus that contains in our society as if this situation is infected"

Spiral Mosquito Coil 
Corruption is all around us, it goes round and round.

Red and Dark Liquid
Color red is a stimulus colour, I have applied this colour in the video to sting the human perception as an alarm for attention. There is a scene of dark liquid dripping like it's tainted as one of corruption's dictionary definitions.

Rain often leads human mood to a sad stage, the scene of rain involved in this video is to lead the mood of the video into its theme - sadness.

Motion of Flowers Getting Decayed
As one of the word "corruption" 's dictionary definitions is decayed and putrid, a scene of flowers getting decayed suits and follows the definition and meaning of corruption in the video. I have shot this entire time-lapse for over a week by my DSLR Canon 60d camera18mm-55mm lens.

Color Choices
The colour choices of this video are mainly based on red and blue, the red colour utilisation is the stimuli of human perception on purpose to alarm the human awareness and getting attention. And the blue colour utilisation of this video is to add cool and chilly mood and lead the human perception to a sad stage as blue colour indicates the meaning of sadness in colour phsycology.

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