Saturday, November 29, 2014

Project “坏,Corrupted” Artworks

As I have mentioned in the project proposal, I want to create a book that contents sophisticated, metaphorical and artistic artworks through different media and mediums, as well as a video to conclude the entire project. I have developed total 36 artworks to be involved in the book I am going to create. During the making of the artworks, I have utilised my photography skills and darkroom chemical developing skills, scanning skills and digital editing skills with Adobe Photoshop. Now let's go through each artwork and talk about the details how I have made them and their individual concepts and ideas behind.

I name this image "Burden" I have photographed this by a  Canon 60d DSLR camera with a 50mm prime lens, and brought the photograph to Photoshop and edited the facial part into a glitch effect, the subject's dress up in this image appears to be formal and you may notice that there are many stones in the subject's front pocket. The stones indicate the meaning of "burden" in this image, and the glitch effect on the facial part indicates the concept of "corruption" that metaphorically represent the situation when computer corrupts and glitch occurs. The formal dress up of the subject visually relates to the ordinary workers and general dress up for people who are employed nowadays. It is often and commonly agreed by people that working for jobs is tiring and exhausting as if it is a burden of life; and this image reflects what Jason Summers has wrote in his philosophy article: Humanity’s main problem is most of their time is dedicated not toward learning, but toward reproducing, eating, sleeping, working pointless jobs, and general existence. (Jason Summers November 30, 2009)

I name this image "Broken" this photo was also taken by a Canon 60d DSLR camera with a 50mm lens, it is a snapshot of a broken glass window. I have discussed the interaction between snapshot photography and conceptual photography in my thesis last semester, and I have concluded that all images contain concepts differently by different perception and different opinions of different people.  The concept of this snapshot that I intend to deliver through this image vaguely and metaphorically denotes the characteristic of corruption, that is being fragile and broken. And this image reflects the definition of corruption: The word corrupt when used as an adjective literally means "utterly broken". 

I name this image "Chaos" the process of creating this piece contains many different methods, firstly I had an experimentation in the darkroom exposing a mask and branches on a black and white photographic paper and developing them by chemicals, then I brought the dried up work to a scanner and scanned the image in 1200 dpi, the reason I scanned in such a high rate of dpi is because the higher dpi I scan the better image quality I get, and it is good to reprint the image again not losing anything. Besides scanning the photograph I exposed and developed in the dark room, I also scanned other objects to support making this piece, I rubbed a piece of paper into a twisted ball and scanned its form, and I also scanned a few shining jewelries including a crown shaped jewellery that's place at the centre of the mask's forehead. After I had all of these digital image files, I brought them into Adobe Photoshop to proceed the editing, I used a drawing pad and drew many messy lines at the head of the mask, which brings up the meaning of chaos then I placed the scanned items onto the image, the jewelries that denotes the meaning of wealth were placed on the surface of the messy lines to combine and contrast the meaning of chaos, together they are visually related to the "chaos of corruption" as the contrast of wealth and mess. The mask is the main contour of this image, it seemingly and visually metaphors a subject, the "chaos of corruption" appears to be on the head of the subject as if it's the subject's mind, brain or thoughts that are corrupted and messy; the twisted paper ball that was placed at the month seemingly denotes a meaning of destruction. The branches and wickers that were exposed on the photographic paper along with the mask gives the imagery a "dead" or "wicked" mood and they interact through the eyes of the subject as if the subject is blind in a wicked mood.

I name this image "Corruption" that directs to the concept of computer corruption. This piece was done by many methods as well, the background of this image was also developed in the darkroom by exposing those pins and injectors on a black and white photographic paper. I collected an abandoned computer screen from college and brought it to the photo studio and photographed it with studio lightings by a Canon 60d DSLR camera with a 50mm lens. The wrapped spade king card was scanned by a scanner in 1200 dpi. The making of this piece was done in Adobe Photoshop, I duplicated the background image into 2 and collaged them, and I cut off the computer screen from the photograph I took in the studio and placed it on the surface, then I cut off the wrapped spade king card from what I scanned and placed it on the screen surface of the computer screen and added a glitch effect onto the spade king card. I'm delivering an idea of relating the corruption scheme that exists in our society to the general computer corruption, as if computer corruption metaphors the corruption in our society. The background of this image denotes a concept of "virus" as the injectors are generally used medically to deliver certain medicine or virus, and the sharpness of the pins around the injectors visually alarm and stimulate the perception and pain might be perceived by such subject matter, their composition metaphorically narrates the pain of corruption as if it's infected. The composition of the computer screen within a glitch effected spade king card relates the concept of computer corruption, the spade king card metaphors the royalty as it is the upper class or governmental power in the modern time, the glitch effect on the card represents and narrates the fact that the governments are often corrupted, and it reflects what Jason Summers has wrote: If politicians are not trying to print up money, shave the gold coins, or other corruption schemes involving money, they’ve been guilty continual budget deficits, never having enough money, and war machines, with their imperialistic ambitions to take over the world. (Jason Summers November 30, 2009)

I name this image "Desire of Decay" as if the decayed flowers have their dream to avoid death and become one of the graphical flowers on the dress, to forget about the reality and merge into fantasy, this image narrates my hope of our corrupted world: I hope that our world could be more of an optimistic and imaginative world full of positive, beautiful and artistic fantasy rather than the tainted, darken and rotten minds among the humanity and society. This photograph was taken by a Canon 60d DSLR camera with a 50mm lens and edited and adjusted in Adobe Lightroom.

I name this image "Destruction" this photograph was taken by a Canon 60d DSLR camera with a 50mm lens, and it was taken in the photo studio by studio tungsten lighting, edited and adjusted in Adobe Lightroom. I captured the motion of breaking, destroying and destructing a piece of spoiled papaya fruit. This image also narrates a hope of mine about corruption, that is "corruption should be destroyed and destructed" the spoiled papaya indicates the concept of "corruption" as the word "corruption" is defined in the dictionary: decayed, putrid; when the word corrupt is used as a verb with objects it also has a definition that is to mar and spoil.

I name this image "Filthy King" this piece is done by the same methods that I have mentioned above, it's based on scanning, and cut&paste in Adobe Photoshop. The background image contains the shapes of crowns, branches, wickers and jewelries, and on the surface there lays a wrapped diamond king card. The word "diamond" has the definition of the expensive stone that exists in our world and people seem to be crazy about this type of stone, the diamond card here represents wealth and the king card represents royalty as the governmental power of our modern world, the card narrates that a corrupted and wealthy king intends to cover and disguise their real side by a pointless intention of using a food wrap as if it wants to conserve and keep fresh of the corruption scheme that's going on the inside. The background image contrasts and composites the whole image to visually add more "wealthy" significance into it, and the wickers and branches gives the image a "dead" and "dark" mood that aids the mood I'm trying to deliver through this image. 

I name this image "Filthy Queen" this photograph was taken by a Canon 60d DSLR camera with a 50mm lens and it was edited and adjusted in Adobe Lightroom. The concept of this image is quite similar to the image above the "Filthy King" I contrasted a queen diamond card with dead flowers and smoke to add more dramatic mood into this photograph as if it describes "the drama queen"

I name this photograph "Murderer" which reflects the subject that appears in this image, this photograph was taken at night by a Canon 60d DSLR camera with a 50mm lens, and it was adjusted in Adobe Lightroom and then I added the glitch effect at the facial part of the subject in Photoshop. The object in the image which is a globe being stabbed by money as if it is bleeding, the making of the object was done with a drill and red water colour, the dollar bills were printed with indication "props purpose only" to avoid forgery. I firstly carefully drilled holes around the globe and poked the printed dollar bills into the holes then added the water colour. The concept of this image is more direct than other images, the subject in the image is the tittle of this image - the "murderer" of our earth/world.

These 7 images together make 1 section of the book that I'm working on, I name them "Rotten" They were photographed in the photo studio with studio tungsten lightings, and they were photographed with a Canon60d DSLR camera with a 50mm lens, and they were edited and adjusted in Adobe Lightroom. These 7 images contain uncomfortable visual perception, they are spoiled, rotten and nasty, and the reason that I'm applying such unpleasant imagery into the project is to reflect the definition of corruption through dictionary: infected and tainted; decayed, putrid; when the word corrupt is used as a verb with objects it also has a definition that is to mar and spoil. 

I name this image "Royal Lies" the making of this piece was done by many methods, I firstly exposed a few objects on the black and white photographic papers and developed them by chemicals in the darkroom, then I scanned the dried up artworks in 1200 dpi into digital image. I developed and edited this piece on Adobe Photoshop by cutting and pasting the shapes of a crown, a broken leaf and a broken butterfly onto the surface of the two-mask image. In this image, the two masks are considered as the subjects and the crowns that were placed on the forehead of the subjects represent that they are the royalty as if they are the modern governmental power. I used a drawing pad and drew white messy lines at the eyes of the subject as if they are scratched off and blind. The broken leaf and butter fly shapes that were placed at the mouths of the subject indicate the significance of "lies" the word "lie" is considered as a directory term which reflects the broken shapes. I also adjusted the colour of  image into blue because blue colour is considered as a type of cold, cool and chilling colour and represents a sad mood through visual which reflects the concept that I'm narrating: the lies of our governmental power are sad.

I name this piece "Royal Virus" this image was also done by the same methods as the last image above by developing in the darkroom and scanning into digital format. I edited this by Adobe Photoshop as well by cutting and pasting different objects that I exposed and developed in the darkroom. Firstly let's take a look at the background of this image, the background appears to be a bunch of glass slags from a broken glass bottle which describes and reflects one of the definitions of "corruption": The word corrupt when used as an adjective literally means "utterly broken". 
and the crown on the surface of the broken glass bottle on this image represents the royalty and the modern governmental power, the broken leaf that extends from the crown metaphorically describes the crown (royalty and modern governmental power) is a scarcity. And the injector in the broken leaf that squirts a bird feather represents the word "virus" in this image, as if the modern governments squirts a virus into a broken society with their scarcity of empathy.

I name this photograph "Royalty" this photograph was taken by a Canon 60d DSLR camera with a 50mm lens. Before taking this photograph, I had planned the entire photograph and done some preparation by picking the upper cards such as king cards, queen cards and jack cards out from playing cards then wrapping them with food wrap; and I also have collected flowers and let them decay and lose their freshness, then I stringed all of these objects onto an umbrella that the subject held, but the umbrella was not taken within this picture on purpose not to distract visual perception and understanding. I focused on the upper cards that I had wrapped before shooting in this photograph because they represent "royalty" in the photograph as king, queen and jack are the metaphor of royalty, and the decayed flowers around these upper cards contrast their characteristics of being corrupted; the subject in this photograph wore a mask with 3 red tears drawn on the mask, and position as if he's holding a sword as a "knave the knight"(jack card) to sadly protect the "royalty" with drops of tears. 

These 2 photographs are going to be 1 section in the book that I'm working on, I name them "Scar" these 2 photographs were both taken by a Canon 60d DSLR camera with a 50mm lens. Scars often leads the visual perception to an unpleasant stage which reflects the unpleasantness of corruption, and they are also metaphorically described as "infection" or "infected" which reflects the definition of word corruption: .infected and tainted; The tone of the first photograph appears to be blue as a cold colour, I have applied this blue colour tone to add more of a sad mood into the photograph. The mask with glitch effect next to the wound in the second photograph contrasts the scar as if it narrates and relates to the computer corruption phenomenon as well metaphorically indicates the society corruption phenomenon. 

I name this image "Secrets" this piece of work was done by many methods including exposing on the photographic papers and developing them in the darkroom, scanning, photography and Adobe Photoshop editing. While I was developing this photographic paper, I mixed too much water with the chemicals and the image appeared a surprising effect on the right top corner which adds the mood of "destruction" to this image. I also exposed a pair of sunglasses and pieces of reaped off papers with paperclips, the pieces of reaped off papers with paperclips appear as a destruction of filed documents in a way to keep secrets; the mouth with a crown jewellery indicates "royalty" in this image as if the royalty keeps some secrets away. The colour choice of this image is also blue on purpose to add a sad mood. 

I name this image "Seize the Secret" the making of this image was done by darkroom exposing and developing, scanning and overlapping them with adjustment of opacity on Adobe Photoshop. The lock on the branch represents the secret in this image, and the distant key on the other side is the key  to expose the secret as if it's hard for the key to expose the secret within the distance. The hand grabs the whole as if it seizes the secret.

I name this photograph "Stolen Wealth" this photograph was taken at night by a Canon 60d DSLR camera with a 50mm lens. I wrapped the tree with food wrap before taking this photograph, the tree with flowers on it metaphorically represents "wealth" in this image; the subject with a shovel and sleeves up as if he intends to steal wealth and the wrap around the tree narrates that the stolen wealth will corrupt ultimately. I added glitch effect at he subject's dramatic shadow on Adobe Photoshop to relate the computer corruption into the image as a metaphor of this stealing corruption scheme. 

These 3 photographs make 1 section of the book that I'm working on, I name them "tainted" as the subject matter in these images are dirty and tainted, they also reflect one of the definitions of word corruption: .infected and tainted; The dirt of the subject matter also metaphorically indicate poverty in these images, and the gestures of these hands appear as if they desire of something. These photographs were taken in the photo studio by studio tungsten lighting, and they were shot with a Canon 60d DSLR camera with a 50mm lens, edited and adjusted by Adobe Lightroom. 

These two photographs are going to be in 1 section of the book that I'm working on, I name them "Tears" these photographs were shot with a Canon 60d DSLR camera with a 50mm lens and they were photographed in the photo studio by studio tungsten lightings. I shot all my photographs in raw files for easy editing and adjusting purpose, I edited them in Adobe Lightroom. The subject in these photographs appear to be tainted and dirty as a metaphor of poverty as if the subject is poor, the jewelries that extend from the eye of the mask are the metaphor of the "tears" as the title of these images, they also metaphorically indicate wealth. What do the poor cry for? They cry for wealth.

I name this image "The Key" this image was done by darkroom exposing and developing, scanning and edited in Adobe Photoshop. The background of this image is the metaphor of the destruction of our modern world's systems -  the sophisticated paperworks. And the key with an emboss effect is as a sign as if it indicates that the destruction of these sophisticated paperworks is the key to resolve. 

This photograph was taken in a shopping mall by a Canon 60d DSLR camera with a 50mm lens, and it was firstly adjusted in Adobe Lightroom and edited in photoshop with a glitch effect at the reflection of the subject on the glass window. I name this photograph "True Side" the glitch effect of the subject that's reflected on the window is the "true side" of this image as the title, it delivers a concept that our real and true side that reflects from humanity is a computer corruption phenomenon as a metaphor. 

This photograph was taken in the photo studio with studio flash lights and it was taken by a Canon 60d dslr camera with a 50mm lens. I name this photograph "Wealth the Poorest", this glass goblet looks fancy as if it represents wealth in this photograph, and the dirty and rubbed paper cup represents poverty in this photograph, the composition of these two objects reflect what Nietzsche. Werke in drei Bänden said "Our ‘rich people’ – those are the poorest! The real purpose of all wealth has been forgotten!"

These photograph was taken in the photo studio with studio tungsten lights, and it was taken by a Canon 60d dslr camera with a 50mm lens, I name this image "Wealth" and it's going to be a page of the book that I'm working on, the idea and the concept of this image simply implies the meaning of "wealth"

I name this image "Wealthy Glitch" this photograph was firstly taken by a Canon 60d dslr camera with a 50mm lens and then it was adjusted in Adobe Lightroom and then Adobe Photoshop for the glitch effect. The cigar in this image is the metaphor of wealth, as it is not smoked by poor people, and the food wrap around the hands implies the intension of "covering up" the corruption scheme and in fact it still is spoiled on the inside and too late to conserve. The glitch effect relates to the computer corruption as a metaphor of society corruption.

I name this photograph "Wicked" this photograph was firstly taken by a Canon 60d dslr camera with a 50mm lens and then edited in Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop. I shot this image as an improvisation, I often go to college by the same path and there's a decayed and dead tree on the way, it inspired and triggered me to take this photograph. Dead tree often brings a mood of darkness and death which reflects the mood of corruption. And the glitch effect of the mask relates to computer corruption phenomenon as a metaphor of society corruption. 

Monday, November 17, 2014

Video: 坏,Corrupted.

坏,Corrupted. This video has NO commercial purpose. It's purely educational purpose for college assignments. (No copyright infringement intended) Music: Sweep by © Blue Foundation

As I have planned for my graduation project, I have made an experimental and artistic oriented video to conclude my project that themed as "corruption". I recorded the entire footages and clips for this video by a canon 60d dslr camera with a 50 mm prime lens. And I have edited the entire video by Final Cut Pro and used Adobe Lightroom to adjust the tones and exposure of the footages and render time-lapse video.
The concept of this video is to indicate and denote the meaning of corruption through a sophisticated visual language.
I have applied: 
1. spoiled fruits
2. characters with masks
3. playing cards
4. broken glass window
5. injector with a crow feather
6. spiral mosquito coil
7. red and dark liquid
8. rain
9. motion of flowers getting decayed

Spoiled Fruits
The reason that I have applied spoiled fruits as its meaning "spoiled" and "rotten" indicate the meaning of corruption as they both are a derogatory term, the meanings are closely related.

Characters with Masks
There are two different contrasting characters wearing masks involved in this video, one is a character with a formal dress-up, and the other is a character with no cloths on and appears dirty on the body. The character with a formal dress-up represents wealth in the video, and the other dirty cloth less character represents poverty in the video. Their contrasting appearance in the video at the same time brings the awareness of the unbalanced world between wealth and poverty. 

Playing Cards
The playing cards contain a common known rating as the king cards are considered "higher" and "bigger" cards in the games and they are also called as "the king" which represents the upper class of our society such as king of a kingdom, governor of a country or dictator of a country. They king cards also denote the meaning of wealth in this video. The wraps around the king card metaphorically denotes a meaning that  the upper class intends to cover up their corrupted conspiracy scheme by using food wrap to somehow "keep fresh" and disguise the real side of themselves, even though it's hazily and obscurely obvious and visible through vision like the society deeply know the facts of going-on corruption. In contrast, card No. 2 are generally considered as the "lowest" cards in many playing cards games, it represents the meaning of poverty in this video. In between of these two different and contrasting cards, there's a motion of stepping down the stairs, it's set to metaphorically tell that "it's easy and effortless to become poor and a lower class.

Broken Glass Window
The very first frame of the video is a broken glass window and followed by a big stroke Chinese word "坏" this Chinese word has many significant meanings as a derogatory term: 
Broken is the lack of perfection as a whole, it indicates the situation of our world isn't perfect as a whole. It is broken and we all know that.

Injector with a Crow Feather
The crows are generally considered as "death" and "darkness" cause of their habitation and behaviours, they like to fly above death. And the injector are generally medical used to inject virus or drugs into human physical body. I have combined these two subject matters together to metaphorically interpret and narrate "corruption is like a dark virus that contains in our society as if this situation is infected"

Spiral Mosquito Coil 
Corruption is all around us, it goes round and round.

Red and Dark Liquid
Color red is a stimulus colour, I have applied this colour in the video to sting the human perception as an alarm for attention. There is a scene of dark liquid dripping like it's tainted as one of corruption's dictionary definitions.

Rain often leads human mood to a sad stage, the scene of rain involved in this video is to lead the mood of the video into its theme - sadness.

Motion of Flowers Getting Decayed
As one of the word "corruption" 's dictionary definitions is decayed and putrid, a scene of flowers getting decayed suits and follows the definition and meaning of corruption in the video. I have shot this entire time-lapse for over a week by my DSLR Canon 60d camera18mm-55mm lens.

Color Choices
The colour choices of this video are mainly based on red and blue, the red colour utilisation is the stimuli of human perception on purpose to alarm the human awareness and getting attention. And the blue colour utilisation of this video is to add cool and chilly mood and lead the human perception to a sad stage as blue colour indicates the meaning of sadness in colour phsycology.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Task 3 - Future Employment Strategy

The company that I'm researching is Google. Google is a worldwide known search engine that everybody is aware of these days. Larry Page, the co-founder and CEO, once described the “perfect search engine” as something that “understands exactly what you mean and gives you back exactly what you want.” Google’s mission is to organise the world’s information and make it universally accessible and useful. Today Google has more than 70 offices in more than 40 countries around the globe.

Google believes in 10 things that we know to be true: 
1. Focus on the user and all else will follow.
2. It’s best to do one thing really, really well.3. Fast is better than slow.4. Democracy on the web works.5. You don’t need to be at your desk to need an answer.6. You can make money without doing evil.7. There’s always more information out there.8. The need for information crosses all borders.9. You can be serious without a suit.10. Great just isn’t good enough.

The job role that I want to identify in Google company is User Experience & Design, as this job is to create intuitive, simple, and beautiful designs that delight Google users. At the top of Google's core principles is: "Focus on the user and all else will follow." So, it’s no surprise that they share the same passion for innovation and excellence in design as they do in engineering. They believe each Google product should have an intuitive, simple and beautiful design that delights users each time they visit—regardless of whether they use a desktop computer, mobile device, Google Glass or other hardware. Our team of User Experience (UX) Designers, Interaction Designers, Visual Designers, Motion Designers, Production Designers and Producers work in a fun, collaborative and fast-paced environment. They constantly refine Google’s visual design language, tackle complex user interactions and highlight each product’s brand and unique personality.

One of the reasons that I want to work for Google because of this movie that I have watched called "The Internship" I was really impressed of Google's working environment and the spirits that they follow and believe. 

Here's a video about this job role and what they do for this position. After just three months at Google, Interaction Designer Noah Levin helped change the way Google's users interact with Google Search on the iPhone and iPad. Learn how he takes a complex system and makes it a simple user experience for our most well-known product: Search.

Cover Letter
A cover letter typically accompanies each resume you send out. Your cover letter may make the difference between obtaining a job interview and having your resume ignored, so it makes good sense to devote the necessary time and effort to writing effective cover letters. A cover letter should complement, not duplicate, your resume. Its purpose is to interpret the data-oriented, factual resume and add a personal touch.
cover lettercovering lettermotivation lettermotivational letter or a letter of motivation is a letter of introduction attached to, or accompanying another document such as a résumé or curriculum vitaeJob seekers frequently send a cover letter along with their curriculum vitae or application for employment as a way of introducing themselves to potential employers and explaining their suitability for the desired position. Employers may look for individualized and thoughtfully written cover letters as one method of screening out applicants who are not sufficiently interested in their position or who lack necessary basic skills. Cover letters are typically divided into three categories:

  • The application letter or invited cover letter which responds to a known job opening
  • The prospecting letter or uninvited cover letter which inquires about possible positions
  • The networking letter which requests information and assistance in the sender's job search.
Cover letters. As much as we despise them, they are the chance to make a case, to cover everything we can’t express in our resumes – which is a lot – and come across as real people to potential employers.

Email Cover Letter
Include a salutation. There are a number of different kinds to choose from, and the greeting you choose will depend on how much information you have about the company: 
If you know the name of the hiring manager, your salutation should be something like "Dear [insert name]" followed by either a comma or a colon. Make sure to address the manager formally using their proper title (Mr., Ms., Dr., etc.). 
If you don't know the name of the hiring manager, consider addressing your letter "Dear Hiring Manager," "Dear Recruiting Team," or "Dear [insert company name] Team."

Write the first paragraph of your letter. This is where you will mention the job for which you're applying and how you found the job listing. It only needs to be 1 to 2 sentences in length.

Write the body paragraphs of your letter. Most cover letters will only have 1 or 2 body paragraphs. You don't want to overwhelm the hiring manager or use up a great deal of his or her time. Try to answer the following questions in your body paragraphs: 
Why am I a qualified candidate for this position? 
What work experience do I have that fits the job requirements in the company's listing? 
Why do I want to work for this company specifically?

Write the final paragraph of your letter. This will be where you wrap up and discuss how you will proceed with the application. Consider including the following: 
Reiterate in one sentence why you feel you're a perfect fit for the position. 
Discuss what you'll do next. If you plan on following up with the hiring manager in a week or two, include a specific date. Otherwise, just say that you look forward to interviewing for the position and discussing your qualifications further. 
Provide your contact information. Include your email address and your phone number so the hiring manager can get in touch with you.
Mention that your resume or references are attached (if applicable). - Thank the person for their time.

End your cover letter with a respectful closing statement. "Best" or "Sincerely" are both classic options. Also, since you won't be able to sign your email, finish the letter by typing your full name.

Paper Cover Letter
Add a letterhead at the top of the letter. Your letterhead should include your full name, address, telephone number, and email address. Some guidelines to follow when creating your letterhead:
Your name should be in bold 14- or 16-point font.
- Your address and other contact information should be in normal 12-point font.
The font of your letterhead does not need to be Arial or Times New Roman, like the rest of your letter, but it should be professional looking and easy to read. The most important thing to remember is to include up-to-date information so that you make it easy for the employer to contact you.
You may want to include an extra line under the letterhead in order to create visual appeal and to separate the letterhead from the rest of the letter.

Write the recipient’s name and address and the date below the letterhead.

Address the recipient. Be sure to refer to the recipient by his or her proper title (Mrs., Mr., Dr., etc.). If you’re not sure who the recipient is, write, “To Whom It May Concern:” or “Dear Sir or Madam”; however, it is always best to address a cover letter to a real person to make it look like you’re not sending form letters.

State your purpose in the first paragraph. Tell the employer why you are writing to them in two or three sentences. State the position for which you are applying (or the one you would like to have should it become available).

Outline your qualifications in the middle paragraph(s). Make sure to match them to the requirements of the position. If you are writing to inquire about open positions, tell the employer how you can contribute to their bottom line, not what you want to get out of the deal. To do this, use what you have researched about the employer's background and history. 
Make your qualifications jump out at the reader by researching the company to which you are applying for a job and tailoring your letter accordingly. This will also be useful if you get an interview. Some questions to keep in mind as you write are
- What is the employer's mission? What do they promote as the one thing that sets them apart from their competitors?
- What kind of customer base does the employer have? Who is their target audience?
- What is the company's history? Who founded it? How has the business evolved? What are the main highlights of the company's performance over the past few years?

Include a positive statement or question in the final paragraph that will motivate the employer to contact you. Make this closing paragraph between two to four sentences. Direct the employer to your enclosed resume and make sure you specify that you're available for an interview. Finish off by thanking the recruiter for their time and consideration, and welcome them to get in touch with you to continue the conversation.

Write an appropriate closing. It’s a good idea to thank the reader for his or her time. After that, write “Sincerely,” “Respectfully,” or “Regards,” leave several spaces, and print your name.

Add your signature. If you will be submitting your cover letter digitally, it’s a good idea to scan and add your signature, write it in with a digital writing pad, or make a digital signature stamp with appropriate software.

Make a notation of the enclosures. If you enclose something, such as a resume, with a letter, you should indicate that the letter contains enclosures by making the notation “Enclosure” or “Enclosures” at the bottom of the letter.

Spell-check and proofread. If you have a spell-check feature, use it. Some programs, such as Microsoft Word, also include a grammar check that you should use. Proofread your letter yourself. Some things to avoid are
Common misspellings.
- Writing in the passive voice. Own your accomplishments. Stay away from phrases like "This experience gave me the opportunity to...," or worse, "these goals were met by me." You don't want to sound like everything happened to you or that it was done by some other entity. Make yourself the active subject of every sentence (e.g., "In this role, I developed/reinforced/learned/etc."). However, this does not imply that every sentence should start with "I..." so vary your syntax accordingly.
Colloquial (informal) writing. You want to sound professional and educated. Avoid all forms of slang, unnecessary abbreviations, and texting lingo.
Incorrect punctuation.

Read your letter aloud to hear how it reads. Do not rely on the spelling and grammar checks to catch mistakes. Consider asking a friend, or even two, to proofread your letter as well. If no one is available to help, another good strategy is to spend some time away from your final draft (a few hours or even a whole day) so that you can return to it with a fresh perspective.

Double-check some of the most-overlooked basics before you do anything. While misspelling or misidentifying the name of the company you're applying to isn't the end of the world, it's not exactly starting off on the right foot. Double-check the following:
- The complete name of the company to which you are applying for a job
- The name of the person to whom you are addressing the cover letter
- The address of the person to whom you are sending the letter
- The title of the job for which you are applying and/or its reference number, if it exists

My Cover Letter to Google Company

Kalila Snow Jan

Bandar Universiti Teknologi Legenda Batu 12,
71700 Mantin,
Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia

Phone: (+6) 018 774 8 663

October 3, 2014
Google Company
Google New York
76 Ninth Avenue
4th Floor
New York, NY 10011

To Whom It May Concern,

I am writing to inquire about the possible openings at Google Company for a user experience & design job role. I am interested in your visual designer’s position as I am a fresh media art and design graduated student looking for working opportunity and experience. 

As a fresh graduated student, I am eager to contribute my abilities and experience to Google company. I would like to follow Google's core principle: “focus on the user and all else will follow” to be given extensive training and practice. 

I would appreciate the opportunity of working in Google to gain experience and learn. And I look forward to discussing what my certain skills are in graphic design field that may fit this job position.

Please find enclosed my resume and a list of my references. Feel free to contact me at (+6) 018 774 8 663, to arrange a time to meet. I look forward to hearing from you.  


Kalila Snow Jan

About Careers:
Yate, Martin John (15 November 2004). Cover letters that knock them dead