Monday, February 24, 2014

Task 1 Year Project Ambitions

In this last year of study, I will be planning, developing and practicing to get a year project campaign done. So far I still haven't found a right topic to kick start a project proposal; I am still searching for other good materials and interesting stories or campaign projects to dig for inspirations. Having a topic that I am interested in is very important, otherwise will end up having lots of boring research process to do when you are doing something not your taste.

On My Mind
It's a brand new year and the last year of study, I have been thinking about achieving myself by improving some certain skills of myself in photography; such as analogue photography, lens study, lighting practice, camera history, cinematography, and softwares.
Analogue Photography: Understand the methods of analogue photography, how it works and practice.
Lens Study: Looking at various different kinds of lenses, how do they work for the images outcomes?
Lighting Practice: Practice of lighting in camera, properly utilise lighting skills to create images.
Camera History: Understand the evolution of cameras, how do they work? How are they built?
Cinematography: Practice of filming techniques and cinematography.
Softwares: Practice on software using and applying and find out more.

After this year, I will leave college and step out to a slightly different world. and the main mission and goal that I wanna achieve is professionalism. To work professionally, and the most important thing after I step out of college life is to never forget to learn from things and people and practice the techniques through personal life. 
In this year of studying, I wanna find a personal and unique style to create the artworks or any other commercial work. All artists have a style that suit them well. 

Photography Projects
Before I start planning and writing proposal on this year's campaign project, I have read and had a look at other photographer's project and see how they do their campaign and plan their projects. There are several pretty hot project topic online such as 365 project as in 365 days in a year; which I have not really heard about.

365 Days
The most popular of the projects on this list, there are multiple variations of the 365 project.  Typically, it involves taking a self-portrait every day for a year – the only rule is that you have to hit the shutter button (or remote) and at least some part of you must be in the photo. If a photo-a-day seems like too much of a commitment, you can do one self-portrait a week for a year – a 52 Weeks project. 
Pick something and try to get a collection of photos representing it.  For instance, pick a color and try to go all day photographing only red things, or try only getting pictures of things that are square when you’re on a walk. The upside of this project is that it, once again, gets you to start seeing ordinary things in different way, it forces you to start thinking creatively. 
Scavenger Hunt
A photo scavenger hunt is simple. You need someone to come up with a list of things to photograph (they can be actually things like “railroad tracks”, or they can be more conceptual like “fun with friends”, or even techniques like “shallow depth of field”). Then, a group of people all go out and interpret the list how they want and show them to the group.

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