Monday, January 27, 2014

Task 1 Thesis Introduction

During the first 2 weeks of study in Thesis module,  we had sections to be introduced to "Thesis" and "research" and we also had discussed plagiarism. And we have also been having different ideas to develop and decide a topic of thesis, and also finding the specific issue in our own practice for the research field.

What is thesis?
Through dictionary definition: Thesis is a statement or theory that is put forward as a premise to be maintained or proved; a long essay or dissertation involving personal research, written by a candidate 
for a college degree.

According to Kean University site: A thesis statement declares what you believe and what you intend to prove. A good thesis statement makes the difference between a thoughtful research project and a simple retelling of facts.
Through Wikipedia: thesis or dissertation is a document submitted in support of candidature for an academic degree or professional qualification presenting the author's research and findings. In some contexts, the word "thesis" or a cognate is used for part of a bachelor's ormaster's course, while "dissertation" is normally applied to a doctorate

I have learned some about research in class; such as the different types of research.
Quantitative Research: is the kind f research that ends with a conclusion of a number such as charts, diagrams etc.
Qualitative Research: is the kind of research that ends with a conclusion of why and reasons; for example: an action research gets a conclusion by quantitative research that half of this amount of people agree with the topic and the other half disagrees, so here qualitative research can continue the survey/action research deeper to get to know why the half people agree but the other half don't.

Why We Research?
Research is very important, it is the base of doing things and projects; it is also evidenced to aid the projects and things you do to continue processing.  Since research is a base, it is important to go through this base, because a building isn't going to last long without a base. 
Research also enriches a person, research makes the researchers know more and gain lots of knowledges and facts. 

The Requirements of Academic Research
There are 2 components we are going to achieve. Component 1: Research Outline. And Component 2: Thesis. These two components construct the entire thesis I am going to write. Component 1 is research outline which I have mentioned above is a very important; With this base, we will be able to easily write the thesis. 
Research outline consist
* Introduction
* Statement of the problem
* Review of the literature
* Aim(s) and Objective(s) of research
* Research questions and/or hypothesis
* Methodology
* References
Above are the requirements of academic research and they should consist. As Mr. Stiff had mentioned that Introduction should be written in the end after all the findings to "conclude" a good introduction. 

What is Plagiarism?
According to the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary, to "plagiarize" means
- to steal and pass off (the ideas or words of another) as one's own.
- to use (another's production) without crediting the source.
- to commit literary theft.
- to present as new and original an idea or product derived from an existing source. 
In other words, plagiarism is an act of fraud. It involved both stealing someone else's work and lying about afterward.
What are Copyright Laws?
Copyright laws exist to protect our intellectual property. They make it illegal to reproduce someone else's expression of ideas or information without permission. This can include music, images, written words, video, and variety of other media.
At one time, a work was only protected by copyright if it included a copyright trademark (the © symbol). According to laws established in 1989, however works are not copyright protected with or without the inclusion of this symbol.
Anyone who reproduces copyrighted material improperly can be prosecuted in a court of law. It does not matter if the form or content of the original has been altered - as long as any material can be shown to be substantially similar to the original, it maybe considered a violation of the Copyright Act.
To avoid plagiarism is to not violate others' copyrights which is to properly reference the sources in literature, give the credits to the original creators or get the original creators' permission when publish ing others' work. 

Photography Thesis Ideas
According to, it gave a few tips on photography theses. 
Conveying a story: Photography is not about simply capturing a snapshot of an objective reality. As students will have learned during their courses -- and probably realized before they started formally studying photography -- photography uses real-world images to convey the world as the photographer sees it. In this way, a photographer can tell a story by preparing a scene for his camera. Some photography students experiment with ways to tell stories with photographs as their thesis. 

Understanding Emotions: Art expresses the infinite range of human emotions. These include basic contentment and fear of the unknown, to more abstract notions such as awe and the sublime. Photography students working on their thesis can experiment with expressing emotions with photographs. Different items evoke these emotions in different individuals, just as different individuals notice different items in any given situation. Students can use what they've learned to prepare scenes, or simply photograph everyday situations, and use their technical skills to emphasize the scene's elements that evoke the photographer's emotions. By emphasizing these elements in the photographs, they can communicate what the photographer felt, and why.

Photojournalism: Not all photography is purely artistic. Photojournalists use their skills to capture real-life scenes that tell, and supplement, very real stories. Photojournalists -- especially those covering chaotic or violent situations -- do not always have the freedom or ability to frame scenes that other photographers could. Students specializing in photojournalism can choose to do their thesis on ways in which photojournalists can capture discrete events amid fluid scenes. Students can use protests and demonstrations as a laboratory for these techniques.
Article by Micah McDunnigan, Demand Media 

Ideas for my Thesis Topic
In my field of study, my majors are graphic design and photography, to choose a topic for the thesis I am going to write had made me have some ideas in my mind. During class by Mr. Stiff, I had known the principles of how to choose a good and right topic; Topic needs to be related to my field of study. Issues that I want to address and research about. The more narrow and specific the topic the better. Be unique and interesting. Topics that make myself interested in. Consider of self development on what I personally need to be improved... I've had several ideas for my thesis topic; they are:

1: Why is analogue photography gradually fading away? Different between analogue photography and digital photography.
This topic isn't absolutely a fact that analogue photography is fading away in the current time; through Wikipedia Analogue Photography page: "Analog photography has in fact become much more popular with younger generations who have become increasingly interested in the traditional photographic practice; sales in film-based cameras began to soar, and youth were seen to embrace some 19th-century technology Urban Outfitters, a popular clothing chain has picked up on the trend and now offers more than 60 product combinations relating to cameras, most of which are film-based." 
However analogue photography isn't as popular as the 80's; in current society, analogue photography is used by a small amount of people; instead most popular photography mediums nowadays are phonography which is taken by the smartphones' build-in cameras; DSLR is another most poplar used camera for the professional photographers to work with. 
The reason behind this idea is because I wanna achieve my photography field by knowing and deeply studying analogue photography to easily experiment with analogue photography in the dark room. And there's an argument between the analogue photography and digital photography - which one is better?

2: Perception of photography. Photography in art memory.
What do people think about photography? Is it a medium to record and document reality by vision or is it supposed to be an art form? This topic argues whether photography should be considered as art or not. An active research can properly help develop the thesis. 

3: What is the trend of contemporary photography? Is selfie considered documentary photography or art photography?
I got this idea while talking to Mr. Stiff in person, the original idea was the argument whether photography should be considered as art or documentary, because it is a medium that records and documents the reality of vision, but the photographers can convey the reality of vision in an art form by planing and organising a scene and a photo shoot; although it is only my opinion perceiving and understanding photography, different people have different opinions; some might think that photography is just art, nothing to do with documentary. 

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