Saturday, February 23, 2013

Space Confirmation

Our space for the installation art will be the dark black walled room next to the stairs of the fashion department.

We choose the dark room because our installation art is by using laser light's reflection on the mirrors which constructs different lines from different angles, and creates its own different abstract grid systems from different angles of perspectives, the project is going to be inside the big white closed shelf, the art work needs dark condition to benefit the laser light in the darkness to be shown better.

Our team is a 2 people team, Sementha and I, and we need 4-5 days to collect the elements for this project and practically work on the project until the finished installation art work.

During developing our installation artwork, we've picked a few more options for our installation art work's location.
The first space we actually used was next to the stairs in the hall.
We developed our installation artwork more on the grid system and tried to find a better location, where's got natural lighting, so we picked the window area next to the Product design studio.

Though, I thought about natural lighting isn't bright enough to project the artwork and create the shadow sometimes. Then I thought about a very challenging space.

The idea is to hang the artwork in the middle of this hall, it's got 4 levels within ground floor, so I wanna hang a thick wire all the way cross, and the artwork will be in the middle of the wire, and it's possible to project lighting on the artwork from a window and reflect the shadow on the wall. 

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