Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Task 6: Review and Enhancement

Advanced Professional Practice subject had given me opportunities to enhance myself and develop a more professional personality, I was chosen to be the leader of the entire class, it was time consuming and it was really difficult to be the leader nor the student president, but ultimately I am glad to take the chance to be a leader, I can't say that I'm a great leader, but I have practiced myself to be one. There are a lot of things that I expect myself to do better and I'm still working on to achieve and enhance.

During completing and working on different tasks, I have found my way of exploring myself in a way to understand myself better. I collected different feedbacks, advises and suggestions from different lecturers and classmates then to analyse them on purpose to find a way to develop a better and more efficient work, I critique what I do and what I work on based on the feedbacks I get from people and find a best solution with brain storm by combining different suggestions and advises from people. 
Throughout the entire subject, I had created my work mostly in Adobe CS softwares and iWork apps of Apple. I had read and researched on many tips of editing and the basic design awareness such as the Bleeding lines, create outlines, margin line, the dpi matters and etc. I have also practiced myself on writing formal documents throughout the subject as well, mostly I work with iWork apps from Apple. 

I have dealt with the manager of Publika shopping mall to confirm the exhibition space, it wasn't the first time for me to deal with people outside the college, so I had a confidence of doing so without problems of fears, and eventually I had gained the information what we needed to book the exhibition space with no problems. Curation of an exhibition is a lot of works to do, it needs the people who work for it with the most hardworking attitude, ultimately it will eventually end up to be a happy ending.

During the curation of the exhibition, we have designed flyers that informs the publics about our exhibition and we have also created a public Facebook event as the internet information stands a big part of our time, we spread ourselves though internet and the traditional way - the flyers.  

We had a lot of meet ups in the studio and a lot of discussions about our exhibition to create the best exhibition curation within a team, the team work we had wasn't the best and most efficient, but we'd always end up solving the problems with our brain storms.

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