Sunday, September 28, 2014

Self Promotion

curriculum vitae (CV)
provides an overview of a person's experience and other qualifications. In some countries, a CV is typically the first item that a potential employer encounters regarding the job seeker and is typically used to screen applicants, often followed by an interview, employment.
résumé or less frequently, also spelled 'resumé' or 'resume', is a document used by persons to present their backgrounds and skills. Résumés can be used for a variety of reasons, but most often they are used to secure new employment. A typical résumé contains a summary of relevant jobexperience and education. The résumé is usually one of the first items, along with a cover letter and sometimes an application for employment, which a potential employer sees regarding the job seeker and is typically used to screenapplicants, often followed by an interview. The résumé is comparable to acurriculum vitae (CV) in many countries. However, it is substantially shorter than a CV in English Canada, the U.S. and Australia. In French, résumé means summary.

Here's a type of CV that I would like to go for, it is a CV that includes an easy reap-off name card:

Here's also another one that's quite interesting, instead of ordinary method of computer texts, this one tried a different method to express words by handwriting on hand instead of computer typing to express the words: 

Here's another very interesting resume that uses the most poplar method nowadays by applying QR code into his resume: 
Link to the video:

Self Identity & Logo
Last year I had designed a logo and a name card that contains my logo, also I had printed them out, but I find them not professional enough anymore and thought to develop my personal logo and business card better.
 The images above are the logos I designed last year, the camera shaped logo was originally designed as a personal tattoo during the first year of college study, and this tattoo places above my chest and below my neck, thought it would be good to use this designed tattoo as a personal logo, because of the tattoo position where it's right in front of me and obvious for others to see, so when others see this logo, they might flashback and remember me, and it wouldn't be a bad idea to use it as a personal identity. 
Now I'm the last year and about-to-graduated student, I started considering professional outlook and identity of my self, and I decided to create a new logo that will brand and identify my self in a better visual appearance.
         logo 1              logo 2               logo 3               logo 4               logo 5              logo 6
 The concept of the logos I'm designing for is that my middle name is "Snow" and so is the meaning of my Chinese name, and plus I'm personally a winter person who's in love with snow. So I'm designing my logo into a snowflake shape.
Logo 1,2,3, were the try-out in the beginning, as you can see, I had applied quite many shapes into these logos, there are triangle, hexagon and a circle. And in logo 4, 5, 6, I had deleted the triangle shape. The reason I did so is because the triangle somehow indicates and represents a pyramid, and as where my name is in the bottom of the pyramid, and indicates a meaning of "slavery". To avoid visual confusion with too many shapes in one image group and the confusion of the meaning that involves the "pyramid", I deleted the shape of triangle, and made the circle smaller than logo 1, 2, 3.
I have also tried out different kinds of fonts to apply in my logo, such as Hero,  Cicle, Code, Dekar, and etc. Eventually I decided to use Caviar Dreams. All the fonts that I had applied and especially Caviar Dreams are license free, good to be used personally and commercially, so I had avoided that copyright suit.
Comparing the two kinds of logos that I had designed a year ago and now, I can clearly see that I'm going for a minimalist style to design my logo instead of lots of elements involved in the logo that I designed a year ago.

Name/Business Card
As I had mentioned above, I had also designed a name card and printed out last year and I have been using them since then.

I designed my card in black and white last year, and now I want to try to add colors into my card. And also I want to follow up the trend nowadays.

As you can see, I added QR codes into my card where people can easily scan them by their smart phones to find my social networking pages and browse my works. And the job title in the card that I designed last year were 3 titles on one card which were: Photographer, Graphic designer and Filmmaker, and also repeated the content of the front side of the card "photography & graphic design". Therefore I decided to have a simple title this time in the new card that I'm designing: "Media Artist" as I involve myself to try lots of different things to create my artworks such as photography, videography, graphic design and sometimes manual analogue mediums; and on the back side of the card I also mentioned what main business service that I can offer such as "videography, photography and graphic design" the purpose is not to confuse the people what I actually do when my job title is "media artist".

CV & Resume
As I mentioned above that I'm willing to design a CV that involved my business card that can be an easy-reap-off from my CV. I'm designing my CV based on A4 paper size, so I started making "a mock" up on a general A4 printing paper.
The standard business card size is 3.5"*2", by this size, while I layout the two name cards at the end of an A4 paper, there'd be a note-sized piece of paper remaining, and I want to utilise this small part of paper as another name card but called "Vcard" or "Mecard" which can be encoded into a QR code and, the contact information will pop out when scanning it by smartphones. 
As one side of the small note paper will contain the QR code that links to my Vcard, on the other side of the note will contain my personal logo that I designed as a self promotional item, as you can see from the mock-up I made by A4printing paper, one side of the note will cover the cover page of my CV where the logo appears on the cover as well. The note will be easy reap-off as well which can be used as a "mini & portable" name card.
Images above is CV I had designed in Adobe InDesign, On Tuesday, I will consult lecturers and test print them to see if anything needs to be improved.

    1.  List of words that may be spelled with a ligature
    2.  "alt.usage.english FAQ". Retrieved 2 June 2012.
    3. Jump up ^ American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition, Houghton Mifflin, 2009

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