Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Land Use

Land Use Definition
Land use is the human use of land, land use involves the management and modification of natural environment or wildness into built environment such as fields, pastures and settlements. It has also been defined as "the arrangements activities and inputs people undertake in a certain land over type to produce, change or maintain it"
Land Use, http://www.waterencyclopedia.com/La-Mi/Land-Use-Planning.html#b

Impact of land uses
Natural vegetation, such as forest cover is usually the most benign of land uses, with higher infiltration and reduced runoff rates. The opposites of forest cover are urbanized areas, where large surface areas are impermeable, and pipes and sewer networks augment the natural channels. The impervious surfaces in urban areas reduce infiltration and can reduce the recharge of the groundwater. In addition, urban runoff contributes to poor water quality.
Agriculture activities are major forms of land use, including row crops, rangelands, animal farms, aquaculture and other agribusiness activities. Cropping activities involve soil and water manipulation through tillage and irrigation, thereby affecting runoff water and groundwater resources. If improperly used , fertilizer and plant protection chemicals in agricultural operations can affect water resources and ecosystems.

Land use, land types and land usage.
Land can be used for a variety of usages and factors such as soil type, location, size and access can all impact on land usage.
1, Agricultural Land Use
Agricultural land use is separated into two different categories, arable land and pasture land. Agricultural land follows an Agricultural land system.
2, Grazing Land Use
Grazing land can be either lush grassland or arable land that has been seeded.
3, Paddocks Use
Paddocks are generally small acreages of grazing land.
4, Recreational Land Use
Recreational land use can be used for a wide range of activities, including quad biking, off roading, archery or for a simple gathering of family and friends.
5, Woodland Use
Woodland can be used for a wide range of outdoor activities.
6, Strategic Land Use
Strategic Land is arable or pasture land that can be used for any of the land uses above.

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