Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Photography 1 (3)

Panorama Definition
Panoramic Photography
Panoramic photography is a technique of photography, using specialized equipment or software, that captures images with elongated fields of view. It is sometimes known as wide format photography.
                                          Image1, Panorama Landscape, http://www.meghatravels.co.in/
Difference between Panorama and Wide-angle
1, The term has also been applied to a photograph that is cropped to a relatively wide aspect Ratio
2, While there is no formal division between "wide-angle" and "panoramic photography" "wide-angle" normally refers to a type of lens, but using this lens type does not necessarily make an image a panorama

Wide-angle: 1 shot goes distorted and twisted.
Panorama: Combination of image, 180 degree or 360 degree.

To shoot panoramic pic
Exposure, overall setting             All has to be Manual Setting
Length, 50m-100mm
Tool, Tripod 

Black and White Photography Definition
1, Often abbreviated B/W or B&W, is a term referring to a number of monochrome forms in visual arts.
2, Black and White as a description is also something of a misnomer for in addition to black and white, most of these media included varying shades of gray. Further many prints, especially those produced earlier in the development of photography were in sepia (mainly to provide archival stability) which gave a richer, more subtle shading than reproductions in plain black and white, although less so than color.

Image 2, Black and White photography, http://www.smashingmagazine.com/2008/06/09/beautiful-black-and-white-photography/

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