Thursday, July 4, 2013

Film Woman in Black critiques

We have watched a thrilling movie together in class called Woman in Black, The Woman in Black is a 2012 British–Canadian–Swedish horror film directed by James Watkins and written by Jane Goldman, and is based on Susan Hill's novel of the same name. It was produced by Hammer Film Productions.

Woman in Black film has lots of scenes that I really like, for example: 
The very beginning of the film when 3 girls committed a suicide together and jumped out of the window at the same time gives the film a very good begin, this scene creates lots of the mystery at the beginning it makes audience curious about why, and gives audience interests to continue watching the film.

This scene in the movie in cinematography it's called CA Cutaway shot, a shot of something else other than the main subjects, this is a very old doll that's not a character in the movie, but this shot in the film is a very important shot of the main character's surroundings, a very old doll relates to the story elements that's about the Woman in Black making them kill themselves in darkness, a very old doll changes the innocent childhood into the darkness which suites the story and theme very well.

This scene when the main character's standing in front of the window looking outside's view, then a shadow appears behind the main character, gives the story more mysterious atmosphere.

and this scene when there was the main character's reflection on the mirror and a hand shape track appears on the glass; using reflection in the cinematography plus an OSS Over-Shoulder-Shot is a very good frame in the film.

The entire film is a horror film that has very good techniques on the cinematography, the angles, emotions of the characters and the background movie soundtrack reflects the theme of the movie very well, I'd say the theme of the movie is more into Goths, and mystery. Although the story line is a very negative story about this Woman in Balck's hatred, but in the end of the film,  
There's a scene of the main character's wife, kid and him getting back together in a different world with no one around, and they finally found their peace and happiness, this ending gives the entire film a big contrast which is very good inspiration for the audience to understand that hatred would never bring you into peace, but love will.

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