Sunday, March 31, 2013

Installation art understanding

Installation art describes an aesthetic genre of three-dimensional works that are often sited-specific and designed to transform the perception of space. Generally the term is applied to interior spaces, whereas exterior interventions are often called Land art.

Land art is also called Earth art, is an art movement in which landscape and the work of art are inextricably linked. It is also an art form that is created in nature, using natural materials. The works frequently exist in the open, located well away from the civilization.

Installation art, The Rain Room
-by rAndom International.
 Rain Room is a 100m2 art installation by rAndom, a studio specialized in installation that explore the behavior and interaction. rAndom International invites you to experience what it's like to control the rain, visitors can choose to simply watch the spectacle or find their way carefully through the rain, putting their trust in the work to test.
More than the technical virtuosity necessary for its success, the piece relied on a sculptural rigor, with the entire curve transformed by the monumental proportions of this carefully choreographed downpour and the sound of water.
And this Installation art is based on the grid system to control the water, the water comes from the grids.

Grid System Understanding 2

Through the research I've done about grid system, I understand that our life is surrounded by grid system, grid system is everywhere.
The pillow sheet I have is with lots of dots, although dots create lines and lines create grids.

The shadow of the window on the curtain is grid too.

Black and white grid on my skateboard. (Edited)

Surface of the skateboard.

The ceramic tile wall in the bathroom.

Stickers on the wall, and also the pattern created a grid.

Widow in the bathroom.

The parking lot.

Off the grid.
Off the grid is to not being connected to a grid, mainly used in terms of not being connected.

After exploring around for the grid system, I stared to play with lines and shaped to create a grid spontaneously.
Vertical lines.

Slash lines.

Horizontal lines.

Some circle shapes.

Some Triangle shapes.

Grid system doesn't have to be horizontal and vertical lines to be created into grid, it can be a splash pattern like the classic clock, and also clock is in its own grid system as well.

Grid system is very important in design, it helps to design easily, and it's everywhere around us. 

Grid System Understanding


A Grid subdivides a page vertically and horizontally into margins, columns, inter-column spaces, lines of type, and spaces between blocks of type and images. Grid is also a framework of spaced bars that parallel to or cross each other.

These subdivisions from the basis of a modular and systematic approach to the layout, particularly for multipage documents, making the design process quicker, and ensure visual consistency between related pages.


Page layout is the part of graphic design that deals in the arrangement and style treatment of elements (content) on a page; and it's the way in which the parts of something are arranged or laid out, and the way in which text or pictures are set out on a page.

Print base is base on the printed stuff such as T-shirts, handouts, books, magazines and etc.

Web base is based online, such as webpages, websites layout.

Time base is based on the time, such as video and sound, there's a grid of the time in the videos or sound.

The benefits of using a grid are multifarious, ranging from the psychological to the functional, and of course the aesthetic.